- microbiome ×
microbial mayhem: the impact of persistent critical illness
november 26, 2024
emily tang takes us behind the scenes of their latest publication 'lower gastrointestinal tract dysbiosis in persistent critical illness: a systematic review' published in journal of medical microbiology.
penguin gut microbiomes are potential indicators of antarctic ecosystems
october 30, 2024
dr wen chyin yew takes us behind the scenes of their latest publication 'seasonal variation in the stomach microbiota of two sympatrically breeding pygoscelis penguin species at signy island, south orkney islands' published in microbiology.
caesarean section infants’ gut microbiome differences are driven by delivery mode, not by antibiotic exposure.
august 2, 2024
sophie leech takes us behind the scenes of their latest publication 'delivery mode is a larger determinant of infant gut microbiome composition at 6 weeks than exposure to peripartum antibiotics' published in microbial genomics.
decoding huge phage diversity: a taxonomic classification of enormous viral genomes
july 4, 2024
dr ryan cook takes us behind the scenes of their latest publication ‘decoding huge phage diversity: a taxonomic classification of lak megaphages’ published in journal of general virology.
microbe talk - roots of resistance: exploring amr in ancient mouths
june 13, 2024
for this episode of microbe talk clare was joined by the wonderful gwyn dahlquist-axe and francesca standeven, archaeological scientists who study amr and ancient human oral microbiomes. they're on the podcast to discuss their review into diet, disease and antibiotic resistance from ancient human oral microbiomes published in microbial genomics.
delving into the diversity of fusobacterium nucleatum
june 7, 2024
claire crowley takes us behind the scenes of their latest publication 'fusobacterium nucleatum subsp. polymorphum recovered from malignant and potentially malignant oral disease exhibit heterogeneity in adhesion phenotypes and adhesin gene copy number, shaped by inter-subspecies horizontal gene transfer and recombination-derived mosaicism' published in microbial genomics.
a de-brief from the microbiome safety workshop 2024
may 17, 2024
dr elizabeth darby reports on the microbiome safety workshop held on 24-25 january at the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? office.
world oral health day: keeping your mouth happy and healthy
march 20, 2024
20 march is world oral health day – an annual initiative that raises the awareness of oral health diseases and risks, as well as empowering people with the knowledge and equipment needed to achieve good oral hygiene. society champion and pharmaceutical microbiologist – specialising in one health, antimicrobial resistance and natural products, bamidele odumosu (university of lagos, nigeria), has shared a blog on the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene and the role that microbes play in a person’s mouth.