cell–cell communication in bacteria: fundamental and applied aspects – a view from twitter

posted on july 7, 2022   by charlotte hartley

on 28–30 june 2022, the society hosted the third focused meeting of the year, cell–cell communication in bacteria: fundamental and applied aspects at robinson college in cambridge, uk. in this blog post, we turn to twitter to look back at some of the highlights of #cell2cellbacteria22.

cell2cell banner

with a programme designed to bring together researchers working on all aspects of bacterial cell–cell communication, we were looking forward to welcoming an impressive lineup of established, international leaders in the field, as well as showcasing the work of early career researchers.


it was great to see that our delegates were just as excited as us!


as were our sponsors.


our speakers, poster presenters and delegates took to twitter to share their journeys with us. people travelled to cambridge, uk from far and wide – some by air, others by bicycle…


social events

before the meeting’s opening session on 28 june 2022, invited speaker cassandra quave held a book signing session at heffers bookshop, where she gave away free, signed copies of ‘the plant hunter’.


later on, organising committee member martin welch hosted a walking tour of cambridge, where our delegates explored the city’s historical attractions and famous university buildings along the river cam.


scientific sessions

e. peter greenberg opened the focused meeting with a keynote lecture on ‘acyl-homoserine lactone quorum sensing and bacterial communication and cooperation: looking back and looking forward’:


scientific sessions at #cell2cellbacteria22 included longer invited talks from international experts in the field, as well as shorter offered oral and flash poster presentations.


giving early career microbiologists a chance to engage with other researchers was a real highlight of the focused meeting!



on wednesday 29 june, we held an evening poster session. the dining hall was filled with delegates browsing the impactful new research on display and networking with others.



our founding journal, microbiology, sponsored three poster prizes. congratulations to our well-deserving winners: cheyenne loo, garance coquant and shaked uzi!


thank you

thank you to all the organisers, speakers, poster presenters, sponsors and delegates who joined us at cell–cell communication in bacteria: fundamental and applied aspects and joined in the conversation on twitter! we hope to welcome you again to future focused meetings in our events series.