microbes and mucosal surfaces – a view from twitter

posted on july 3, 2018   by ellen hinkley

the microbes and mucosal surfaces focused meeting took place on 21–22 june at university college dublin. we’ve turned to twitter to look at some of the highlights of the event.


leading up to the event there was lots of excitement about the meeting, as well as the beautiful weather.

once the talks kicked off, there was no distracting from the excellent and diverse range of research being presented, which raised questions, discussions and even warnings!

the first day ended with posters and drinks, followed by a conference dinner. overall there were 15 flash poster presentations and 35 posters, meaning there was plenty to see and discuss.

the nine talks and offered paper presentations on day two provided valuable insights into 'host factors and mucosal microbes'.

the day ended with the presentation of prizes. congratulations to all the winners and runners-up for their excellent talks and posters.

we hope everyone enjoyed the event – from the feedback, it seems that you did!

thank you to everyone who attended and helped out at this focused meeting, we hope to see you at another society event soon.