microbiome and mucosa-associated infectious disease: mining for antimicrobials and postbiotics with therapeutic potential – a view from twitter

posted on november 2, 2022   by priya gurung

microbiome and mucosa-associated infectious disease: mining for antimicrobials and postbiotics with therapeutic potential took place on 27–28 october 2022 at trinity college dublin, ireland. in this blog, we take a look at the highlights on twitter.

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science photo library/christoph burgstedt

the scientific programme included key topics such as microbiome in health and disease, antimicrobial resistance, new sources of antimicrobials and more.

this meeting provided insights into the current state of research in the field, opportunities for collaboration and fostered new ideas amongst our delegates. 

we were pleased to see our delegates were excited to attend #miningmicrobiome22!


scientific sessions

the scientific sessions at #miningmicrobiome22 were designed to give delegates a forum for discussion on the impact of antimicrobial resistance. the programme featured talks from invited speakers from across the world, an excellent opportunity for delegates working in the field to network and build upon and establish collaborations.



the poster sessions showcased the wide variety of research within the mining microbiome community. our delegates were able to share their work and discuss and exchange ideas with one another. there were plenty of opportunities for early career researchers to present their work too.

many congratulations to alfie o’sullivan and rebecca mchugh for winning the 'outstanding science prize' sponsored by the journal of medical microbiology at #miningmicrobiome22!


thank you

finally, thank you to everyone who attended microbiome and mucosa-associated infectious disease: mining for antimicrobials and postbiotics with therapeutic potential, contributed to its success and joined the conversation on twitter! we hope to welcome you again to another conference in our events series.