in the first newsletter of the year, we are pleased to invite submissions to our founding journal, microbiology, which is now fully open access (oa). watch our oa video to learn about the benefits of publishing oa with us and how this supports your community. we want to remind you to register for annual conference 2023 and the west africa roadshow, and submit your abstract for candida and candidiasis. plus, find details about our available grants, updates for our early career members and more.
the society's founding journal, microbiology, is now fully open accesspublishing oa with the society not only increases the reach of your research, but also funds grants, events and activities for microbiologists. find out more and submit now. increase your impact, expand your reach and support your community. |
register now for annual conference 2023early bird discounted rates are available until 28 february for annual conference 2023 taking place 17–20 april at birmingham international convention centre. register now via our website. |
now to reserve your place at the west africa roadshowthe first president’s roadshow of the year is taking place
online on 24 february 2023. this is an excellent opportunity to hear from
society members and to network with microbiologists based in west africa and around the world. register now for free on our website. |
register and submit your abstract for candida and candidiasis 2023registration and abstract submission are open for candida and candidiasis, taking place 13–17 may 2023 at le centre sheraton montreal hotel in montréal, canada. register and submit your abstract on our website. abstract submissions close on 17 february 2023. |
free to attend whole genome sequencing & infection course launching soon the association for clinical biochemistry and laboratory medicine (acb) is working with health education england and great ormond street hospital learning academy to offer you free access to attend the course. register your interest on the acb website. |
partnered sessions with the royal microscopical society at mmc2023英格兰vs美国谁会赢?
members receive discounted one-day
tickets to attend sessions on 'public health: the impact of
microscopy' and 'microbial imaging' on 4 july 2023. login to misociety for
the discount code. submit your abstract on the mmc2023 website by 10
february 2023. |
early career members (ecm) |
federation of european microbiological societies (fems) industry placement grant (ipg)fems has launched an ipg to support early career scientists spend up to three months working in industry, with up to €5,000 in funding available. application closes on 1 february 2023, submit your application on fems website. |
parfitt joins our champions schemekasia recently completed her phd at cardiff university,
uk and is now working as a research assistant at the university of oxford, uk. find out more about kasia and our champions from around the world! |
open access with the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢?
| publishing for the community
the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢?
is committed to developing a sustainable open science future. we are increasingly moving our portfolio to open access (oa) to help researchers: |
copyright © 2022 英格兰vs美国谁会赢?
, all rights reserved.
company limited by guarantee registered in england no. 1039582 registered as a charity: 264017 (england & wales); sc039250 (scotland)
14–16 meredith street london, greater london, ec1r 0ab united kingdom |