free open access publishing until the end of june: access microbiologywelcoming submissions from across microbiology – including replication studies, negative results and case reports – access microbiology is publishing valuable sound science research fully open access with transparent peer review. submit before 1 july 2023 for no article processing charges. |
you eligible for publish and read?did you know that authors at institutions part of the publish and read agreement benefit from uncapped, fee-free publishing across all 英格兰vs美国谁会赢?
journals? find out if your institution is eligible on our website. |
save the date: early career microbiologists' (ecm) forum summer conference 2023this year's ecms' forum summer conference will take place in bristol on 24–25 july 2023. the conference is dedicated to showcasing early career research, career development and networking. find out more on our event page. |
publishing for the communitywe are not-for-profit. publish with us to keep benefitting your community. |
your communityfind out what our members have been up to. |
microbe talk: annual conference 2023: demystifying science policyin this episode, katie and clare chat with dr isobel stanton, an invited speaker, and delegates that attended the first dedicated policy session at annual conference. in this podcast, listen to how they found it and what they learned. |
plant health: an interview with dr andrew armitagein this blog, we caught up with 英格兰vs美国谁会赢?
member, dr andrew armitage, from the natural resources institute, university of greenwich, uk, about his work on plant diseases and the importance of plant health.
for trans and nonbinary members the members
panel are seeking members of the society who identify as trans and/or nonbinary and who are willing to share their experiences
and suggestions for making society initiatives and events
(including annual conference) as inclusive as possible. please email getinvolved@www.banhxebo.com to
be put in contact with the members panel-led working group.
global accessibility awareness day: an interview with tanya horneglobal accessibility awareness day took place on 18 may 2023. we caught up with member, tanya horne, to discuss how a cancer diagnosis has impacted her phd studies. find out more about tanya's experiences on our blog. if you're interested in being interviewed for an awareness day, email getinvolved@www.banhxebo.com.
get involvedopportunities, events and upcoming deadlines. |
join our president and microbial genomics editors in cambridge to network with local microbiologiststhe second president’s
roadshow of 2023 will take place on 12 september 2023 at selwyn college, university of cambridge. it
will be a great opportunity to meet our president, professor gurdyal s. besra,
members of the microbial genomics editorial board, and network with
microbiologists in the local area. register for free on our website. |
abstract submission and registration open for federation of infection societies (fis) conference 2023the federation of infection societies (fis) conference is the largest uk-hosted, international infection conference, taking place 14–15 november 2023 in edinburgh and one day for an online meeting on 17 november 2023. register and submit your abstract on our website.
call for early career researchers (ecrs) to review new briefing on antimicrobial resistance (amr) we are seeking an early career member based in the uk to act as a reviewer for a policy briefing we are developing with need-to-know information about the current state of amr in the uk. to find out more, email k.oconnor@www.banhxebo.com. |
early bird registration deadline approaching for anaerobe 2023anaerobe 2023 is taking place 12–14 july 2023, at the leonardo hotel cardiff in a hybrid format. to enjoy an early bird discounted rate for your attendance, register before 28 june 2023, 12:00 (midday) bst on our website.
copyright © 2023 英格兰vs美国谁会赢?
, all rights reserved.
company limited by guarantee registered in england no. 1039582 registered as a charity: 264017 (england & wales); sc039250 (scotland)
14–16 meredith street london, greater london, ec1r 0ab united kingdom |