abstract deadline extended for poster presentations at the early career microbiologists' (ecm) forum summer conference 2023abstract submissions (for poster presentations only) have been extended to wednesday, 5 july 2023. this year's ecm forum summer conference will take place in bristol on 24–25 july 2023. the conference is dedicated to showcasing early career research, career development and networking. submit your abstract via our event page. |
final days of free open access publishing: access microbiologysubmit before 1 july 2023 for no article processing charges in access microbiology, our open research platform. we welcome a range of sound science content, such as replication studies, negative results, and case reports. we also offer open access publishing and transparent peer review – find out more and submit. |
you eligible for publish and read?did you know that authors who are at institutions that are part of the publish and read agreement benefit from uncapped, fee-free publishing across all 英格兰vs美国谁会赢?
journals? find out if your institution is signed up on our website. |
publishing for the communitywe are not-for-profit. publish with us to keep benefitting your community. |
your communityfind out what our members have been up to. |
celebrating pride month with bruno francesco rodrigues de oliveira this month we celebrated pride by catching up with one of our champions, bruno francesco rodrigues de oliveira. bruno discussed his experience of organising lgbtq+ activities for the society with fellow members, i'ah donovan-banfield, daniel gonçalves-carneiro
and rebee penrice-randal. you can watch the clip on our instagram now. |
getting to grips with industry careers in this episode of microbe talk, we caught up with 英格兰vs美国谁会赢?
member, dr oliver severn, to discuss his career journey and his experience working in industry. listen to this episode to find out more.
professor anthony nash frse: 1949–2023 long-time member and former editor of the journal of general virology, professor anthony nash frse (tony), passed on 20 may 2023. anthony was known internationally for his work on viral immunology and was elected fellow at numerous scientific organisations. read more about anthony's life on our website. |
could your false teeth give you pneumonia? new research published in the journal of medical microbiology by researchers from cardiff university, uk, have identified a possible link between wearing dentures and pneumonia. read more on our blog.
get involvedopportunities, events and upcoming deadlines. |
abstract submission and registration open for what's in a name? fit-for-purpose bacterial nomenclature the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢?
is delighted to be delivering what's in a name? fit-for-purpose bacteria nomenclature, as part of its focused meeting in 2023. the meeting will take place at the university of
strathclyde glasgow technology and innovation centre, uk between 26–27 september 2023. register now to secure an early bird discount for your attendance. |
abstract submission deadline for federation of infection societies (fis) 2023 is fast approaching abstract submission deadline for fis 2023, taking place 14–15 november 2023 at the edinburgh international conference centre, uk, and online on 17 november 2023, closes 19 july 2023. submit your abstract now.
and healthcare infection society (his) join forces to bridge the clinical–research gapthe bridging
the clinical–research gap workshop is back for a third time. taking place
in birmingham, uk, on 6 october 2023, the event aims to bring academic
and clinical microbiologists together to find ways to collaborate. register
now, all fees will be refunded to those who attend the workshop.
programme now available for 英格兰vs美国谁会赢?
microbial genomics roadshow 2023 the programme
has now been launched for the next president’s roadshow, taking place on 12
september 2023. the event is an opportunity to find out how to get involved with
the society; gain expert advice on moving from academia to industry and listen
to microbial genomics focused invited talks. register for free. |
microbiome safety workshopthe
will be holding a workshop on 24–25
january 2024 in london to discuss the current research landscape around the
assessment of the safety of microbiome perturbations by chemicals and
probiotics. to register your interest for this invite-only event, please find out more on our website. |
copyright © 2023 英格兰vs美国谁会赢?
, all rights reserved.
company limited by guarantee registered in england no. 1039582 registered as a charity: 264017 (england & wales); sc039250 (scotland)
14–16 meredith street london, greater london, ec1r 0ab united kingdom |