welcome from the presidenthappy open access week! this year's theme of “community over commercialisation” particularly resonates with the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢?
’s work as a not-for-profit publisher. publishing revenue raised helps us to continue serving our community in the form of events, grants and professional development opportunities. find my blog below to learn more.
in this month's newsletter, i am pleased to announce the launch of the 'knocking out amr' project, supporting feasible, effective solutions to antimicrobial resistance (amr) through international, cross-disciplinary collaboration. if you work in amr, register your interest to get involved. plus, find details about our grants, upcoming events and more. |
the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢?
launches the 'knocking out amr' project the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢?
is pleased to announce the launch of the ‘knocking out amr’ project, supporting feasible, effective solutions to amr through international, cross-disciplinary collaboration. the project aims to bring together everyone who works in amr, whoever they are and wherever they are. if you work in amr, register your interest on our website to keep up to date with opportunities to get involved.
microbiology today: moving digital the october 2023 edition of microbiology today, titled 'knocking out amr', is now available to read online and will be the last printed issue of the magazine. from 2024, we will adopt a digital-first policy, reducing print publications to be environmentally sustainable and to recognise the growing popularity of digital channels. microbiology today will be published online – via the same popular digital book format we currently use – allowing readers everywhere to enjoy the content. find out more on our website.
publishing for the communitywe are not-for-profit. publish with us to keep benefitting your community. |
your communityfind out what our members have been up to. |
celebrating international day of older persons: alison parker this month we celebrated international day of older persons. one of our long-standing members, alison parker, shared insights into her upbringing and career journey as a microbiologist. read more on our website. |
microbe talk: dr john munnoch discusses dyslexia
in this episode of microbe talk, adam speaks to dr john munnoch, editor of #accessmicro, about his experience working with dyslexia and how he uses this as an opportunity to connect with people. |
international pronouns day: arindam mitrato mark international pronouns day, we caught up with members panel member, arindam mitra to discuss the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢?
's implementation of the use of pronouns at society events and why this implementation was important to the members panel. read the interview in our blog. |
unlocking potential fund: my story we caught up with 世界杯赛程表
recipient, victorien dougnon, about how the grant has enabled him to access a network of experiences and his plans to help combat the amr crisis. read more in microbiology today. |
open access week: president gurdyal besrafor open access week, president gurdyal besra explores this year's theme of “community over commercialisation” with a blog, emphasising the importance of the society's transition to open access publishing and the benefits of wider research accessibility. |
get involvedopportunities, events and upcoming deadlines. |
abstract submission open for annual conference 2024 we are pleased to announce a call for public abstracts for annual conference 2024, taking place 8–11 april 2023 at edinburgh international convention centre. abstract submission closes 11 december 2023. submit your abstract on our website. |
registration deadline approaching for federation of infection societies (fis) conference 2023federation of infection societies (fis) is the largest uk-hosted, international infection conference, taking place 14–15 november 2023 in edinburgh and one day for an online meeting on 17 november 2023. registration for fis 2023 will close on thursday 2 november 2023 at 12:00 (midday). |
new: parliamentary internship schemethe 英格兰vs美国谁会赢?
is delighted to launch a new parliamentary internship scheme for phd students working on antimicrobial resistance. this is an ideal opportunity to bring your academic studies to life by engaging with the inner workings of government. find out more here.
changes to our society conference grants and travel grant scheme the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢?
is pleased to announce changes to our society conference grants and travel grant schemes to make our grants easier for you. find out more on our website.
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the royal society of biology training events the royal society of biology has a series of upcoming training events focused on professional development and 英格兰vs美国谁会赢?
members are eligible for a 25% discount. to view available courses visit the rsb training events page, then email training@rsb.org.uk with details of your 英格兰vs美国谁会赢?
to claim your discount.
copyright © 2023 英格兰vs美国谁会赢?
, all rights reserved.
company limited by guarantee registered in england no. 1039582 registered as a charity: 264017 (england & wales); sc039250 (scotland)
14–16 meredith street london, greater london, ec1r 0ab united kingdom |