welcome from the presidentin this month's newsletter, i am pleased to announce the launch of our publishing fundamentals programme, which is a series of resources to help our early career audience understand academic publishing. we also celebrate our 2024 prize winners, who will receive their awards at our annual conference 2024.
additionally, find details about our grants, upcoming events, what our members have been up to and more. as a society publisher, we are not-for-profit and everything we do is to amplify our members’ voices worldwide and advance the understanding of microbiology to benefit the wider society, which happens thanks to the revenue generated by our journals portfolio. |
launching our publishing fundamentals programme today we are launching the first of a series of resources to help our early career audience understand academic publishing. our publishing fundamentals programme will deliver workshops, webinars and online resources to support you in your journey as an author, editor or reviewer. find out more on our q&a page.
prize winners 2024the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢?
is pleased to announce the winners of our 2024 prizes. prizes will be awarded at our annual conference 2024 in edinburgh from 8–11 april, where the winners will present their prize lectures. find out more about our winners on our website. |
publishing for the communitywe are not-for-profit. publish with us to keep benefitting your community. |
your communityfind out what our members have been up to. |
antimicrobial resistance (amr) q&asin a short series for world antimicrobial awareness week 2023 from 18–24 november 2023, the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢?
went blue on social media and spoke to members of the society's impact and influence committee about the work they do to combat amr. read their q&as on our website.
one health day: arindam mitraon 3 november 2023 it was one health day, a global initiative to raise awareness of the importance of a one health approach in tackling health risks shared by the interconnection of humans, animals and the environment. read the blog by our society champion, arindam mitra to learn more about one health strategy. |
microbe talk - knocking out amr: a conversation with professor chloe jamesin the latest edition of microbiology today, we launched our brand-new project 'knocking out amr'. in this episode, clare spoke to professor chloe james from the university of salford, uk about all things antimicrobial resistance (amr). listen to the podcast episode on our website. |
lgbtq+ stem day 2023: daniel gonçalves-carneiroon 18 november 2023 it was lgbtq+ stem day, a day which honours the contributions made by lgbtqia+ individuals working in stem. society champion, daniel gonçalves-carneiro, shared his insights on navigating a career in microbiology whilst openly being a member of the lgbtqia+ community. read his blog to find out more. |
get involvedopportunities, events and upcoming deadlines. |
abstract submissions closing soon for annual conference 2024abstract submission for annual conference 2024, taking place on 8–11 april 2024, is open and will close on monday 11 december 2023 at 23:59 gmt. find out more and submit your abstract on our website. |
share your expertise! we often receive media enquiries from journalists or production companies looking for an expert opinion. if you are happy to be contacted by the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢?
to respond to enquiries regarding your area of expertise, register your interest on our website. |
changes to our grant schemesthere have been changes to our grant schemes and eligibility requirements. grants to attend any of our society events will now be funded through our society events grant. travel grants to attend non-society events will now be funded through our external event grants. find out more on our website. |
standing up for science online workshopapplications are now open for the next standing up for science workshop, taking place on 8 december 2023 online. this online workshop will have an eu parliamentary engagement focus and attendance is free for all. register on their website.
copyright © 2023 英格兰vs美国谁会赢?
, all rights reserved.
company limited by guarantee registered in england no. 1039582 registered as a charity: 264017 (england & wales); sc039250 (scotland)
14–16 meredith street london, greater london, ec1r 0ab united kingdom |