welcome from the presidentin this month's newsletter, i am pleased to announce that registration for annual conference 2024 is now open. register now to secure discounted rates for your attendance. we look forward to welcoming you in edinburgh in 2024.
additionally, find details about grants, upcoming events, what our members have been up to and more. as a society publisher, we are not-for-profit and everything we do is to amplify our members’ voices worldwide and advance the understanding of microbiology to benefit the wider society, which happens thanks to the revenue generated by our journals portfolio. |
registration for annual conference 2024 is now openwe are pleased to announce that registration for annual conference 2024, taking place 8–11 april 2023 at edinburgh international convention centre is now open. early bird discounted rates are available until 6 march 2024. register now on our website.
call for expressions of interest for prize lecture nominationsexpressions of interest are open for the 2024 outreach prize, 2025 prize lectures and 2026 prize medal, including the new equality, diversity and inclusion prize! our prizes are awarded in recognition of brilliant microbiologists and in celebration of the rich diversity of the microbiology community. expressions of interest are a new way to highlight excellence in microbiology without committing to a full nomination. read our news story to learn more and submit an expression of interest now.
publishing for the communitywe are not-for-profit. publish with us to keep benefitting your community. |
your communityfind out what our members have been up to. |
if microbes avoid racial and gender bias, so should microbiologists unesco’s international day for tolerance took place on 16 november and 1 december was the un’s world aids day. we interviewed former society president, professor robin weiss, who spent his career researching hiv, to find out why tolerance is so important to him and his diverse family. read robin’s blog to find out more.
celebrating international volunteer day 2023 with our society championsinternational volunteer day took place on 5 december and to show appreciation, we reflected on the many activities that 英格兰vs美国谁会赢?
champions generously participated in over the past year – promoting microbiology and the society in their local areas. read our blog to see what our champions had to say about volunteering at the society. |
microbe talk - sir paul nurse on collaborative working and horizon europein this episode of microbe talk, our policy and engagement officer katie speaks with sir paul nurse, director of the francis crick institute and former president of the royal society, about the importance of collaboration and co-working in science, and discusses the uk’s recent re-association with horizon europe. listen to the podcast episode on our website. |
shining a light on islamophobia awareness month with aisha baba-dikwa and anjam khanislamophobia awareness month takes place every november. it aims to highlight the positive contributions of muslims and raise awareness about islamophobia in society. this november, we caught up with aisha baba-dikwa and anjam khan, from the members panel. find out about their experiences in our blog. |
get involvedopportunities, events and upcoming deadlines. |
call for new editors and senior editors for microbial genomicsmicrobial genomics is looking to appoint new senior editors and editors to manage the peer review process of manuscripts and contribute to the strategic direction of the journal. to express your interest, please email your cv and cover letter to: t.khanom@www.banhxebo.com.
call for senior editors for microbiology microbiology is looking to appoint senior editors to work closely with the journal’s editorial board: providing support and assistance to editors in a section and working with the senior editorial team to play a key strategic role in the journal. the closing date for applications is 7 january 2024. find out more and apply on our website. |
the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢?
is now on wechatwe are pleased to share that we have launched an official account on wechat to better connect with our community in china and share high-quality research from our titles. read the press release to find out more.
join the hcs knowledge transfer partnership programmethe hcs knowledge transfer partnership programme offers a unique opportunity for healthcare scientists from across the uk to build long-term partnerships between clinical, research and industry teams at leading centres of excellence in science and technology through collaboration at a senior level with partner organisations across the uk’s national measurement system (nms) and the united kingdom accreditation service (ukas). find out more on their website. |
share your fems story: celebrating 50 years of impact and innovation in 2024in preparation for its 50th anniversary in 2024, the federation of european microbiological societies (fems) is collecting stories from members who have benefited from our longstanding association with the federation. if you or someone in your network has received a fems grant or participated in fems activities, we'd love to hear from you. share your stories to elevate fems and its opportunities within our 2022世界杯对阵分析
during this special anniversary year. please email info@www.banhxebo.com if you would like to contribute.
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, all rights reserved.
company limited by guarantee registered in england no. 1039582 registered as a charity: 264017 (england & wales); sc039250 (scotland)
14–16 meredith street london, greater london, ec1r 0ab united kingdom |