
due to overwhelming interest, registration for annual conference has officially closed as we've reached capacity.

we understand this may be disappointing news for those who haven't registered. be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates and reminders for annual conference 2025.

the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? annual conference 2024 will take place monday 8 april–thursday 11 april 2024 at edinburgh international convention centre.

the conference takes place over four days and consists of scientific symposia, workshops, fora, professional development sessions, prize lectures, hot topics and much more.

programme at a glance

further information will be announced in the build up to the meeting on our social media channels and you can follow us on twitter @microbiosoc using the hashtag #microbio24

covid-19 mitigation statement for 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? events

as part of the preparations for 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? events due to be held in 2024, the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? council has further discussed the implementation of sars-cov-2/covid-19 mitigations and has agreed the following:

personal responsibility:

attendance at any 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? event is a personal choice, and council expects delegates to take personal responsibility for their actions to minimise the spread of sars-cov-2.


the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? will continue to work with venues to seek assurance that these are adequately ventilated.

vaccination and pre-event testing:

we strongly urge all delegates to ensure they are as fully vaccinated as practicable, which we recognise will depend on their age and home country, and to test before travelling to any of our events. delegates should not attend if they test positive for sars-cov-2 infection. in addition, should they wish to, delegates should feel comfortable wearing a mask in any of our venues. 

mask usage and lateral flow tests:

a limited number of masks (ffp3) and lateral flow tests will be available upon request at all 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? events should any delegates wish to use them. however, these will not be routinely supplied.

the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? council will continue to monitor the situation and update these mitigations as required.








session view

monday 08 april, afternoon

celebration of virology

pentland auditorium, level 3

the aim of this symposium is to celebrate the breadth and excellence of virology research based within uk and ireland. at the peak of the sars-cov-2 pandemic, virologists throughout the uk and ireland made substantial contributions that directly impacted on our understanding of sars-cov-2 and, ultimately, how better to treat and prevent the biggest challenge to human health of our generation. this was an unprecedented effort in unprecedented times and there are many examples of virologists repurposing their diverse skill sets and deep knowledge base to better understand the present threat. however, this ability to pivot was underpinned by the wide-ranging expertise in the study of viruses, from structural and molecular biology to virus-host interactions, vaccine development and beyond, embedded within the uk and irish research base, thus enabling such significant contributions during the pandemic. to celebrate the diversity of virology research in the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? community, this symposium will deliver a programme combining invited and offered presentations from across our community covering a range of viruses that threaten diverse aspects of life.


joanna parish, finn grey, jack ferguson, sam wilson

environmental & applied microbiology forum

tinto and moorfoot, level 0

this forum includes offered papers on any area and any organism relevant to environmental, ecological, applied and industrial microbiology, including (non-human) host–microbe communities and interactions, marine and freshwater microbiology, soil and geomicrobiology, air-, cryo- and extremophile microbiology, climate change, biotechnology, bio-processing and bio-engineering, food microbiology, and other applied and industrial microbial processes, including microbe-mediated biodegradation and bioremediation.


martin welch, alison smith, simon rout, jennifer mahoney, andrew armitage, jordan price

microbes as sentinels and solutions in a changing world

microbiota-immune system and vaccine interplay (british society for parasitology and protistology uk)

lowther, level -1

this session seeks to integrate the most recent developments in mucosal and systemic vaccinology, including how the human mucosal microbiota can influence vaccine efficacy for both mucosal and systemic pathogens. notably, important challenges for vaccine development for a number of pathogens still require sustained and important investment in basic research and clinical trials, in particular for common microbial parasites infecting mucosal surfaces (e.g. giardia) or systemic sites (e.g. plasmodium). in addition, a number important bacterial (e.g. mycobacteria) and viral (e.g. rsv) pathogens still require the development of effective mucosal vaccines. although tremendously successful new injectable (systemic) vaccines have been developed (including rna and adenovirus vector based vaccines – covid-19) there are still important needs to develop licensed mucosal vaccines, which currently mostly consist of live attenuated and inactivated whole-cell preparations. the development of effective mucosal vaccines would be particularly important for viral pathogens such as sars-cov-2 and rsv as they have potential to prevent both the transmission of such infections and protect against the development of disease symptoms. dual mucosal and systemic immunisation might also be required for some pathogens to effectively deal with their public health threats, for populations at large, or for more susceptible individuals to a specific pathogen. by integrating recent works on different pathogens, such as giardia, and technologies (rna and adenovirus vectors), this session aims to stimulate new ideas to develop effective vaccines for a broader range of pathogens infecting mucosal or systemic sites.


robert hirt, rodrigo bacigalupe, calvin tiengwe

single cell omics

sidlaw, level 3

single cell omics have revolutionised our understanding about the sub-population dynamics that define microbial networks and phenotypes of interest. in particular, single cell sequencing has allowed for a better understanding of environmental microbial diversity and for the identification of functionally distinct gene expression groups within a given population. applying these technologies to microbiological questions has the potential to inform topics as diverse as climate or agriculture-based policies or even evidence-based healthcare decisions about antimicrobial resistance. this workshop will focus on key examples of how single cell omics are being applied to better understand eukaryotic microbiology. it also aims to feature a panel discussion with selected speakers to critically consider how single cell technologies are being implemented, their impact and value for money, and what new technologies, such as spatial omics, may mean for this research frontier.


alison smith, delma childers

therapeutics: the use of bacteriophage, viruses, and viral components

kilsyth, level 0


heather allison, chris richardson, anastasios tsaousis, gerald barry, jo fothergill

careers session: transitions: career paths outside of academia

lammermuir, level -2

during the career session, delegates will benefit from the varying perspectives and career journeys of invited speakers who have transitioned from academia to industry, government agencies, 2022世界杯对阵分析 societies and more—they will have the opportunity to further interact with them during the subsequent speed networking round. delegates will have the opportunity to explore different avenues available to microbiologists to create meaningful and fulfilling careers. speakers from industry, clinical and academic settings will discuss their career journeys, including the challenges and job opportunities, and provide insights into career prospects for students and researchers in different parts of the microbiology workforce. at the end of each talk, there will be a brief q&a session, allowing delegates to ask key questions pertaining to their career stages and fields. early career researchers wanting to explore their next career options, and mid-career microbiologists considering a career change are invited to attend.


angharad green, ashley otter, smilla huzell, oliver severn, joyce bennett, rebekah penrice-randal and alain richard

tuesday 09 april, morning

celebration of virology

pentland auditorium, level 3

the aim of this symposium is to celebrate the breadth and excellence of virology research based within uk and ireland. at the peak of the sars-cov-2 pandemic, virologists throughout the uk and ireland made substantial contributions that directly impacted on our understanding of sars-cov-2 and, ultimately, how better to treat and prevent the biggest challenge to human health of our generation. this was an unprecedented effort in unprecedented times and there are many examples of virologists repurposing their diverse skill sets and deep knowledge base to better understand the present threat. however, this ability to pivot was underpinned by the wide-ranging expertise in the study of viruses, from structural and molecular biology to virus-host interactions, vaccine development and beyond, embedded within the uk and irish research base, thus enabling such significant contributions during the pandemic. to celebrate the diversity of virology research in the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? community, this symposium will deliver a programme combining invited and offered presentations from across our community covering a range of viruses that threaten diverse aspects of life.


joanna parish, finn grey, jack ferguson, sam wilson

environmental & applied microbiology forum

tinto and moorfoot, level 0

this forum includes offered papers on any area and any organism relevant to environmental, ecological, applied and industrial microbiology, including (non-human) host–microbe communities and interactions, marine and freshwater microbiology, soil and geomicrobiology, air-, cryo- and extremophile microbiology, climate change, biotechnology, bio-processing and bio-engineering, food microbiology, and other applied and industrial microbial processes, including microbe-mediated biodegradation and bioremediation.


navigating the future of antimicrobial resistance: innovative strategies in diagnostics and surveillance

lammermuir, level -2

this session offers a deep dive into antimicrobial resistance (amr), addressing key aspects in two main areas: diagnostics and surveillance. diagnostics focuses on studying β-lactamase-producing klebsiella spp. and developing a rapid, ai-assisted diagnostic platform for infectious diseases. innovative rapid antibiotic susceptibility testing techniques, which promise quicker and more accurate assessments, are also highlighted. in surveillance, the session explores the role of bacterial transposable elements in the spread of amr genes, bats as potential vectors for antimicrobial-resistant bacteria, and the impact of environmental microbes as reservoirs for novel resistance genes. additionally, it examines the influence of land use on waterborne resistant bacteria and introduces a novel crispr-based strategy targeting β-lactamases in superbugs. this comprehensive overview emphasizes the importance of diagnostics and surveillance in managing the global challenge of amr.


kalai mathee, bruno silvester lopes, kendra rumbaugh

small talk: mechanisms of sensing and signalling at the host-microbe and microbe-microbe interface

fintry, level 3

in their natural environments, microbes engage in complex dialogue with one another and with their hosts. these processes can underpin social and anti-social interactions and the switching between mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism. examples of vibrant areas of research in this theme include the microbiota-gut-brain and gut-lung axes, and virus super-infection exclusion studies. this cross-divisional session will bring together virologists, prokaryotic, and eukaryotic microbiologists to discuss the molecular mechanisms of these signalling events and how they shape host-microbe and microbe-microbe interactions. this will be an exciting and truly inter-disciplinary session, encompassing themes such as polymicrobial infection, ecological competition and co-operation, quorum sensing, signal transduction, gene regulation, the bi-directional axes of host response to microbes, and modulation of host immunity.


nicky o'boyle, rebecca corrigan, ed hutchinson, fiona henriquez

therapeutics: the use of bacteriophage, viruses, and viral components

kilsyth, level 0


heather allison, chris richardson, raphael galleh, anastasios tsaousis, gerald barry

understanding phenotypes in the omics era

sidlaw, level 3

microbiology is at a historical turning point. widespread genome sequencing has revealed genetic complexity among microbes that could hardly have been imagined by pioneers such as stephensen, pasteur, escherich and koch. this data cascade brings enormous potential to improve our understanding of microbial cell biology and the genetic basis of phenotype variation. however, this revolution in data science cannot replace established microbiology practices, presenting the challenge of how to integrate these new techniques. genomic data are typically applied either to population-wide comparisons of bacteria in the wild, or to studying gene function through modification and inactivation in the laboratory. the former better reflects natural variation but the latter is needed for robust functional characterization. next generation microbiology is bridging this gap, and integrating large sequencing datasets with molecular microbiology. in this session we present recent work that combines comparative and functional genomics with molecular microbiology and physiology to provide an improved understanding of phenotypes in the omics era.


samuel sheppard, carolin kobras, rebecca hall, guerrino macori, hasan yesilkaya, matt dorman, kalai mathee

tuesday 09 april, afternoon

cultivating diversity: practical ways to make microbiology more inclusive

lammermuir, level -2

in 2024 the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? launches a new prize showcasing and celebrating achievements in equality, diversity and inclusion (edi) across the field of microbiology. to coincide with the launch of this exciting new prize, the members panel-sponsored edi session at the annual conference 2024 will feature invited speakers sharing their personal reflections on activities that contribute to making the field of microbiology more welcoming and inclusive to all. the session will include an open forum for questions, answers, and debate from audience members.


arindam mitra, blanca perez sepulveda, bruno silvester lopes, kevin maringer

exploring the skin microbiome in health and disease

tinto, level 0

being our biggest organ and a primary protective barrier from pathogens, the microbiome of this highly varied environment is now being described in unprecedented detail, revealing complex multispecies communities that play important roles in skin health, the development of the immune system and in wound healing. the symposium would bring together knowledge of what these microbes are, how they colonise this often nutrient poor and challenging niche, and how they work together to supress the growth of pathogens, while in themselves also being potential accidental pathogens if the skin barrier is broken.


georgios efthimiou, albert bolhuis, gavin thomas and andrew edwards

infection forum

pentland auditorium, level 3

offered papers (and associated posters) will be presented in areas related to clinical, veterinary and plant infections caused by prokaryote and eukaryote pathogens. this will include detection and diagnosis, identification, typing and epidemiology, pathogenesis, virulence, host response and immunity, treatment and prevention, antimicrobial agents and resistance, transmission and models of infection. eligible abstracts can be entered into the infection science award competition, with the awardees invited to the federation of infection societies annual meeting.


conor feehily, dany beste, julie morrissey, robert hirt, tasos tsaousis, giuseppe buda de cesare

small talk: mechanisms of sensing and signalling at the host-microbe and microbe-microbe interface

fintry, level 3

in their natural environments, microbes engage in complex dialogue with one another and with their hosts. these processes can underpin social and anti-social interactions and the switching between mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism. examples of vibrant areas of research in this theme include the microbiota-gut-brain and gut-lung axes, and virus super-infection exclusion studies. this cross-divisional session will bring together virologists, prokaryotic, and eukaryotic microbiologists to discuss the molecular mechanisms of these signalling events and how they shape host-microbe and microbe-microbe interactions. this will be an exciting and truly inter-disciplinary session, encompassing themes such as polymicrobial infection, ecological competition and co-operation, quorum sensing, signal transduction, gene regulation, the bi-directional axes of host response to microbes, and modulation of host immunity.


nicky o'boyle, rebecca corrigan, ed hutchinson, fiona henriquez

understanding phenotypes in the omics era

sidlaw, level 3

microbiology is at a historical turning point. widespread genome sequencing has revealed genetic complexity among microbes that could hardly have been imagined by pioneers such as stephensen, pasteur, escherich and koch. this data cascade brings enormous potential to improve our understanding of microbial cell biology and the genetic basis of phenotype variation. however, this revolution in data science cannot replace established microbiology practices, presenting the challenge of how to integrate these new techniques. genomic data are typically applied either to population-wide comparisons of bacteria in the wild, or to studying gene function through modification and inactivation in the laboratory. the former better reflects natural variation but the latter is needed for robust functional characterization. next generation microbiology is bridging this gap, and integrating large sequencing datasets with molecular microbiology. in this session we present recent work that combines comparative and functional genomics with molecular microbiology and physiology to provide an improved understanding of phenotypes in the omics era.


samuel sheppard, carolin kobras, rebecca hall, guerrino macori, hasan yesilkaya, matt dorman, kalai mathee

virus workshop: molecular basis of the host:pathogen interaction

lowther, level -1

as obligate parasites viruses must inhibit, subvert or re-purpose cell biology to complete their infection cycle. in this workshop the focus will be on molecular studies (both systems biology and reductionist approaches) that have illuminated important aspects of this interaction. this workshop has clear parallels with the viruses as molecular machines and thus we anticipate abstracts submitted to this workshop will likely concentrate on the impact on host mechanisms including the subversion of cell autonomous and innate immune responses, re-purpose host cell signalling or changes to host gene expression and function.


carlos maluquer de motes, helena maier, david hughes

virus workshop: translating knowledge - understanding and preventing disease

kilsyth, level 0

human and veterinary viruses are a major cause of disease with substantial clinical, social and economic implications. key to controlling the impact of viral infection is better surveillance and diagnostics, improved clinical management and, ultimately, the development of effective anti-virals and vaccines. thus we anticipate abstracts submitted to this workshop will cover studies that reflect the breadth of these interventions to demonstrate how a combination of basic and clinical understanding of viral infection and pathogenesis is critical for the development of diagnostics, anti-viral strategies and control measures.


ed wright, tamyo mbisa, matthew reeves

virus workshop: viral interactions with the host organism and implications for pathogenesis

moorfoot, level 0

pathogenesis and disease is an important outcome of the interaction of viruses and the host. the aim of this workshop is to capture studies (including systems level approaches) of human and veterinary pathogens that contribute to our understanding of pathogenesis on an organism scale. we anticipate this will include the importance of adaptive immunity for the control of infection, the impact of immune phenotypes in disease outcome, and the role of host and viral functions to support dissemination within host as well as for onward transmission.


clive mckimmie, dalan bailey, rachel edgar

virus workshop: viruses: molecular machines to understand cellular processes

menteith, level -1

viruses have repeatedly proven to be fantastic molecular tools to understand the molecular and biochemical nature of biological processes. abstracts submitted to this workshop will likely cover a range of topics that range from the role of viral proteins for entry, the mechanisms of viral gene expression and replication, to functions important for viral assembly and egress. we anticipate the submission of abstracts detailing structural, biophysical and reductionist studies that elucidate these mechanisms and processes covering both eukaroytic and prokaryotic infection.


joe grove, alex borodavka, hannah burgess

wednesday 10 april, morning

exploring the skin microbiome in health and disease

tinto, level 0

being our biggest organ and a primary protective barrier from pathogens, the microbiome of this highly varied environment is now being described in unprecedented detail, revealing complex multispecies communities that play important roles in skin health, the development of the immune system and in wound healing. the symposium would bring together knowledge of what these microbes are, how they colonise this often nutrient poor and challenging niche, and how they work together to supress the growth of pathogens, while in themselves also being potential accidental pathogens if the skin barrier is broken.


georgios efthimiou, albert bolhois, gavin thomas, andrew edwards

infection forum

pentland auditorium, level 3

offered papers (and associated posters) will be presented in areas related to clinical, veterinary and plant infections caused by prokaryote and eukaryote pathogens. this will include detection and diagnosis, identification, typing and epidemiology, pathogenesis, virulence, host response and immunity, treatment and prevention, antimicrobial agents and resistance, transmission and models of infection. eligible abstracts can be entered into the infection science award competition, with the awardees invited to the federation of infection societies annual meeting.


conor feehily, dany beste, julie morrissey, robert hirt, tasos tsaousis, giuseppe buda de cesare

prokaryotic stress responses – their diversity and regulation

fintry, level 3

microorganisms encounter a wide range of stresses and environmental changes in diverse scenarios including infection, ecological and biotechnological scenarios. by definition, stress is a driver of diversity, evolution and phenotypic heterogeneity. this session aims to celebrate the responses induced by various stresses on diverse microbial taxa and the enabling technologies allowing their investigation including transcriptomics, metabolomics, biophysics and imaging. the organisers are particularly keen to hear about antibiotic, envelope, host-derived, metabolic, starvation, environmental, redox, temperature, solvent and dna damage stress responses. of particular interest is the ability of microbes to sense chemical stress, either via sensors at the cell surface or by cytoplasmic transcriptional regulators. any examples of systems identified in stress response response research that have been exploited for new treatments or increased productivity are welcomed. this symposium will form a journal special collection in microbiology.


nick tucker, lorena fernández-martínez, stephan uphoff, dany beste

virus workshop: molecular basis of the host:pathogen interaction

lowther, level -1

as obligate parasites viruses must inhibit, subvert or re-purpose cell biology to complete their infection cycle. in this workshop the focus will be on molecular studies (both systems biology and reductionist approaches) that have illuminated important aspects of this interaction. this workshop has clear parallels with the viruses as molecular machines and thus we anticipate abstracts submitted to this workshop will likely concentrate on the impact on host mechanisms including the subversion of cell autonomous and innate immune responses, re-purpose host cell signalling or changes to host gene expression and function. n.


carlos maluquer de motes, helena maier, david hughes

virus workshop: translating knowledge - understanding and preventing disease

kilsyth, level 0

human and veterinary viruses are a major cause of disease with substantial clinical, social and economic implications. key to controlling the impact of viral infection is better surveillance and diagnostics, improved clinical management and, ultimately, the development of effective anti-virals and vaccines. thus we anticipate abstracts submitted to this workshop will cover studies that reflect the breadth of these interventions to demonstrate how a combination of basic and clinical understanding of viral infection and pathogenesis is critical for the development of diagnostics, anti-viral strategies and control measures.


ed wright, tamyo mbisa, matthew reeves

virus workshop: viral interactions with the host organism and implications for pathogenesis

moorfoot, level 0

pathogenesis and disease is an important outcome of the interaction of viruses and the host. the aim of this workshop is to capture studies (including systems level approaches) of human and veterinary pathogens that contribute to our understanding of pathogenesis on an organism scale. we anticipate this will include the importance of adaptive immunity for the control of infection, the impact of immune phenotypes in disease outcome, and the role of host and viral functions to support dissemination within host as well as for onward transmission.


clive mckimmie, dalan bailey, rachel edgar

virus workshop: viruses: molecular machines to understand cellular processes

menteith, level -1

viruses have repeatedly proven to be fantastic molecular tools to understand the molecular and biochemical nature of biological processes. abstracts submitted to this workshop will likely cover a range of topics that range from the role of viral proteins for entry, the mechanisms of viral gene expression and replication, to functions important for viral assembly and egress. we anticipate the submission of abstracts detailing structural, biophysical and reductionist studies that elucidate these mechanisms and processes covering both eukaroytic and prokaryotic infection.


joe grove, alex borodavka, hannah burgess

finding the needle in the haystack: microbial surveillance in complex samples

sidlaw, level 3

driven by both the covid-19 pandemic and the accelerating crisis of climate change, an increased awareness has been associated with identifying shifts of microbial populations in environmental, food and medical samples. microbial surveillance includes novel technologies that are both easy to use and able to simultaneously detect diverse microorganisms (virus, bacteria, fungi or parasites) and it is therefore crucial for our ability to anticipate any change that could ultimately affect public health. this session will bring together experts from public health, industry and academia, giving an overview on the state-of-the-art techniques used and the effects that such microbial changes have on both the environment as well as on the health care landscape.


giuseppe buda de cesare, andrew armitage, eva heinz, matt dorman

wednesday 10 april, afternoon

biofilm prevention and control

kilsyth, level 0

biofilms represent structured adherent communities of microorganisms that can range in complexity from single species to complex polymicrobial consortia. they have profound impacts on various aspects of our lives, from health and medicine to industry and environmental processes. a biofilm is a structured consortium of microbial cells surrounded by a self-produced polymeric matrix, often adhering to surfaces. this matrix provides protection and enhances the resilience of these microbial communities. in the medical field, biofilms play a significant role in chronic infections. bacterial biofilms are often responsible for persistent and difficult-to-treat infections in wounds, urinary tract, respiratory system, and implant-related sites. their enhanced resistance to antibiotics and the immune system poses a significant challenge for effective treatment, necessitating new strategies to combat these resilient microbial communities. moreover, biofilms have far-reaching implications in industrial settings. they can clog pipes, contaminate food production facilities, and corrode industrial equipment. the financial burden of managing biofilm-related issues is substantial, making it imperative to develop effective preventive measures and treatments to minimize their impact on industries. in natural environments, biofilms are crucial for nutrient cycling, bioremediation, and microbial ecology. they contribute to the breakdown of organic matter, aiding in the recycling of nutrients essential for the ecosystem. however, biofilms can also have detrimental effects, such as in marine environments, where they can corrode ships' hulls and marine structures. understanding the formation, structure, and behaviour of biofilms is essential to develop strategies for their control and management. ongoing research focuses on disrupting biofilm formation, targeting the biofilm matrix, and exploring novel antimicrobial agents. additionally, advancements in imaging technologies and molecular biology have provided deeper insights into the intricacies of biofilm development and function. within this session we will explore how biofilm communities are formed, detected, tackled and exploited. we will also discuss how continued research and innovative approaches are crucial to effectively manage and mitigate the impact of biofilms in diverse domains, ensuring a healthier and more sustainable future.


campbell gourlay, jerry reen

education and outreach symposium

lammermuir, level -2

we welcome abstracts on any aspect of learning or teaching microbiology as well as any aspect of engaging a wider audience with microbiology. this year, we particularly welcome abstracts on sustainability, artificial intelligence, the use of game-enhanced learning or antimicrobial resistance, but will consider abstracts on any topic. we are happy to receive abstracts from colleagues in any setting e.g. clinicians, technicians, those in industry, etc.


mel lacey, alison graham, michael dillon, leanne taylor-smith, nicola crewe, james edwards, thiru vanniasinkam, daniel morse, sean goodman, bridget kelly, grace roberts, kirsty jones, monika gostic, georgios efthimiou, victoria easton, cheryl walter

finding the needle in the haystack: microbial surveillance in complex samples

tinto, level 0

driven by both the covid-19 pandemic and the accelerating crisis of climate change, an increased awareness has been associated with identifying shifts of microbial populations in environmental, food and medical samples. microbial surveillance includes novel technologies that are both easy to use and able to simultaneously detect diverse microorganisms (virus, bacteria, fungi or parasites) and it is therefore crucial for our ability to anticipate any change that could ultimately affect public health. this session will bring together experts from public health, industry and academia, giving an overview on the state-of-the-art techniques used and the effects that such microbial changes have on both the environment as well as on the health care landscape.


giuseppe buda de cesare, andrew armitage, eva heinz, matt dorman

genetics & genomics forum

pentland auditorium, level 3

genetics and genomics forum will consider offered papers on all aspects of the genes and genomes of microbes (prokaryotes and eukaryotes) and their mobile elements, including their sequencing, transcription, translation, regulation, chromosome dynamics, gene transfer, population genetics and evolution, taxonomy and systematics, comparative genomics, metagenomics, bioinformatics, and synthetic biology.


gavin paterson, bruno francesco rodrigues de oliveira, hasan yesilkaya, kalai mathee, albert bolhuis, delma childers, fiona henriquez

microbial physiology, metabolism and molecular biology forum

moorfoot, level 0

this forum will consider offered papers on all aspects of microbial (prokaryotic and eukaryotic) metabolism, physiology and molecular biology. this will focus on fundamental and translational research in this area. this would include the metabolism and physiology of bacteria, archaea and eukaryotic microbes, including pathogens; biochemistry and structure of cells, cell growth and division; cell architecture and differentiation; synthesis and transport of macromolecules; ions and small molecules; development signalling and communication, sensing and cellular responses cell cycle and also how this work informs microbial engineering, antimicrobial drug development, and other potential applications. all speakers will be selected from the submitted abstracts.


chris cooper, stephan heeb, andrew lovering, ross waller, campbell gourlay, calvin tiengwe, steve atkinson

prokaryotic stress responses – their diversity and regulation

fintry, level 3

microorganisms encounter a wide range of stresses and environmental changes in diverse scenarios including infection, ecological and biotechnological scenarios. by definition, stress is a driver of diversity, evolution and phenotypic heterogeneity. this session aims to celebrate the responses induced by various stresses on diverse microbial taxa and the enabling technologies allowing their investigation including transcriptomics, metabolomics, biophysics and imaging. the organisers are particularly keen to hear about antibiotic, envelope, host-derived, metabolic, starvation, environmental, redox, temperature, solvent and dna damage stress responses. of particular interest is the ability of microbes to sense chemical stress, either via sensors at the cell surface or by cytoplasmic transcriptional regulators. any examples of systems identified in stress response response research that have been exploited for new treatments or increased productivity are welcomed. this symposium will form a journal special collection in microbiology.


nick tucker, lorena fernández-martínez, stephan uphoff, dany beste

the consequences of congenital virus infections

sidlaw, level 3

in this session we will explore the potential health consequences of viral infection during pregnancy for both mother and baby. when a virus infects a cell, cellular sensors can alert the infected cell and its neighbours to the presence of an invader. when properly regulated, these responses lead to viral clearance and continued host health. however, if these responses are dysregulated (possibly due to interference by the virus), the host may experience sickness caused by this aberrant response. a developing embryo is heavily guarded against the risk of infection by the physical barrier of the placenta, as well as patrolling maternal immune cells. nevertheless, the mother is highly susceptible to infection, which means that she may have immune responses to viruses that are communicated to the foetus. furthermore, under some circumstances, viruses may cross the placental barrier and infect the developing foetus. the genes that co-ordinate antiviral responses are extensively regulated during embryonic development. the consequences of their dysregulation to the foetus include various developmental defects, such as abnormal organ development, foetal readsorption, preterm labour and autism. we will learn about the consequences of maternal infection for a taxonomically diverse range of viruses that are known to have significant health implications if contracted congenitally, including herpesviruses, zika virus and sars-cov-2.


eleanor gaunt, richard stanton, harriet groom

thursday 11 april, morning

biofilm prevention and control

kilsyth, level 0

biofilms represent structured adherent communities of microorganisms that can range in complexity from single species to complex polymicrobial consortia. they have profound impacts on various aspects of our lives, from health and medicine to industry and environmental processes. a biofilm is a structured consortium of microbial cells surrounded by a self-produced polymeric matrix, often adhering to surfaces. this matrix provides protection and enhances the resilience of these microbial communities. in the medical field, biofilms play a significant role in chronic infections. bacterial biofilms are often responsible for persistent and difficult-to-treat infections in wounds, urinary tract, respiratory system, and implant-related sites. their enhanced resistance to antibiotics and the immune system poses a significant challenge for effective treatment, necessitating new strategies to combat these resilient microbial communities. moreover, biofilms have far-reaching implications in industrial settings. they can clog pipes, contaminate food production facilities, and corrode industrial equipment. the financial burden of managing biofilm-related issues is substantial, making it imperative to develop effective preventive measures and treatments to minimize their impact on industries. in natural environments, biofilms are crucial for nutrient cycling, bioremediation, and microbial ecology. they contribute to the breakdown of organic matter, aiding in the recycling of nutrients essential for the ecosystem. however, biofilms can also have detrimental effects, such as in marine environments, where they can corrode ships' hulls and marine structures. understanding the formation, structure, and behaviour of biofilms is essential to develop strategies for their control and management. ongoing research focuses on disrupting biofilm formation, targeting the biofilm matrix, and exploring novel antimicrobial agents. additionally, advancements in imaging technologies and molecular biology have provided deeper insights into the intricacies of biofilm development and function. within this session we will explore how biofilm communities are formed, detected, tackled and exploited. we will also discuss how continued research and innovative approaches are crucial to effectively manage and mitigate the impact of biofilms in diverse domains, ensuring a healthier and more sustainable future.


campbell gourlay, jerry reen

education and outreach symposium

lammermuir, level -2

we welcome abstracts on any aspect of learning or teaching microbiology as well as any aspect of engaging a wider audience with microbiology. this year, we particularly welcome abstracts on sustainability, artificial intelligence, the use of game-enhanced learning or antimicrobial resistance, but will consider abstracts on any topic. we are happy to receive abstracts from colleagues in any setting e.g. clinicians, technicians, those in industry, etc.


mel lacey, alison graham, michael dillon, leanne taylor-smith, nicola crewe, james edwards, thiru vanniasinkam, daniel morse, sean goodman, bridget kelly, grace roberts, kirsty jones, monika gostic, georgios efthimiou, victoria easton, cheryl walter

genetics & genomics forum

pentland auditorium, level 3

genetics and genomics forum will consider offered papers on all aspects of the genes and genomes of microbes (prokaryotes and eukaryotes) and their mobile elements, including their sequencing, transcription, translation, regulation, chromosome dynamics, gene transfer, population genetics and evolution, taxonomy and systematics, comparative genomics, metagenomics, bioinformatics, and synthetic biology.


gavin paterson, bruno francesco rodrigues de oliveira, hasan yesilkaya, kalai mathee, albert bolhuis, delma childers, fiona henriquez

microbes in our waterways: surveillance, significance and solutions

tinto, level 0

170 years on from the broad street pump and a key moment in the development of public health, understanding the microbiology of our waterways is more important than ever. this session brings together invited and offered talks on: the surveillance of viruses, microorganisms and associated toxins in water; the significance of these ecosystems in global challenges such as antimicrobial resistance; and new approaches to protect public and environmental health.


heather allison, martin welch, dany beste

microbial physiology, metabolism and molecular biology forum

moorfoot, level 0

this forum will consider offered papers on all aspects of microbial (prokaryotic and eukaryotic) metabolism, physiology and molecular biology. this will focus on fundamental and translational research in this area. this would include the metabolism and physiology of bacteria, archaea and eukaryotic microbes, including pathogens; biochemistry and structure of cells, cell growth and division; cell architecture and differentiation; synthesis and transport of macromolecules; ions and small molecules; development signalling and communication, sensing and cellular responses cell cycle and also how this work informs microbial engineering, antimicrobial drug development, and other potential applications. all speakers will be selected from the submitted abstracts.


chris cooper, stephan heeb, andrew lovering, ross waller, campbell gourlay, calvin tiengwe, steve atkinson

prokaryotic stress responses – their diversity and regulation

fintry, level 3

microorganisms encounter a wide range of stresses and environmental changes in diverse scenarios including infection, ecological and biotechnological scenarios. by definition, stress is a driver of diversity, evolution and phenotypic heterogeneity. this session aims to celebrate the responses induced by various stresses on diverse microbial taxa and the enabling technologies allowing their investigation including transcriptomics, metabolomics, biophysics and imaging. the organisers are particularly keen to hear about antibiotic, envelope, host-derived, metabolic, starvation, environmental, redox, temperature, solvent and dna damage stress responses. of particular interest is the ability of microbes to sense chemical stress, either via sensors at the cell surface or by cytoplasmic transcriptional regulators. any examples of systems identified in stress response response research that have been exploited for new treatments or increased productivity are welcomed. this symposium will form a journal special collection in microbiology.


nick tucker, lorena fernández-martínez, stephan uphoff, dany beste

the consequences of congenital virus infections

sidlaw, level 3

in this session we will explore the potential health consequences of viral infection during pregnancy for both mother and baby. when a virus infects a cell, cellular sensors can alert the infected cell and its neighbours to the presence of an invader. when properly regulated, these responses lead to viral clearance and continued host health. however, if these responses are dysregulated (possibly due to interference by the virus), the host may experience sickness caused by this aberrant response. a developing embryo is heavily guarded against the risk of infection by the physical barrier of the placenta, as well as patrolling maternal immune cells. nevertheless, the mother is highly susceptible to infection, which means that she may have immune responses to viruses that are communicated to the foetus. furthermore, under some circumstances, viruses may cross the placental barrier and infect the developing foetus. the genes that co-ordinate antiviral responses are extensively regulated during embryonic development. the consequences of their dysregulation to the foetus include various developmental defects, such as abnormal organ development, foetal readsorption, preterm labour and autism. we will learn about the consequences of maternal infection for a taxonomically diverse range of viruses that are known to have significant health implications if contracted congenitally, including herpesviruses, zika virus and sars-cov-2.


eleanor gaunt, richard stanton, harriet groom

lecture view

monday 08 april, afternoon

tuesday 09 april, morning

tuesday 09 april, afternoon

wednesday 10 april, morning

wednesday 10 april, afternoon

thursday 11 april, morning

exhibition & sponsorship

all our exhibition stands have now sold out.

if you have missed out on exhibiting at conference, there are still a number of sponsorship opportunities available. we would like to invite companies and organisations who are interested to please download our sponsorship pack or contact [email protected] to discuss options.

exhibition and sponsorship opportunities

we are delighted to invite you to participate in the annual conference 2024, where over the three days there will be opportunities to network with delegates across all career stages, oral and poster presenters, and authors publishing in our journals.

from making an impact with the gold, silver and bronze packages, through to individual options from our pick and mix, we have a range of options to help you reach and strengthen your connections in this targeted community. please download our exhibition and sponsorship pack for more details. if you have any questions about the packages available please email [email protected].

annual conference 2024 exhibition and sponsorship pack



annual conference 2024 talk abstracts book


annual conference 2024 poster abstracts book


abstract submission for the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? annual conference is now closed. if you have submitted an abstract it will be reviewed by the session organisers and submitters will be notified of the outcome directly in mid-january 2024.

by submitting an abstract to this meeting, you are indicating to the session organisers your commitment to attend the event.

abstracts are welcome for any of the following sessions: 

  • biofilm prevention and control
  • education and outreach symposium
  • environmental and applied microbiology forum
  • exploring the skin microbiome in health and disease
  • finding the needle in the haystack: microbial surveillance in complex samples
  • genetics and genomics forum
  • infection forum
  • microbes as sentinels and solutions in a changing world
  • microbial physiology, metabolism and molecular biology forum
  • microbiota-immune system and vaccine interplay (collaboration with british society for parasitology and protistology uk)
  • prokaryotic stress responses – their diversity and regulation
  • small talk: mechanisms of sensing and signalling at the host-microbe and microbe-microbe interface
  • therapeutics: the use of bacteriophage, viruses, and viral components
  • understanding phenotypes in the omics era
  • virus workshop: viruses: molecular machines to understand cellular processes
  • virus workshop: molecular basis of the host:pathogen interaction
  • virus workshop: virus interaction with the host organism and implications for pathogenesis
  • virus workshop: translating knowledge - understanding and preventing disease

abstracts should be submitted through the oxford abstracts system. both members and non-members of the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? are welcome to submit an abstract. once submissions are closed, these will be reviewed by session chairs and scientific committee members and you will be informed of the outcome directly. by submitting an abstract to this conference, you are indicating to the session organisers your commitment to attend the event.

please note that the abstract is the only information session organisers use when deciding whether to accept your work for presentation as an offered oral or poster. if accepted, it will be published in the online programme or poster abstract book for the conference – so think carefully about what needs to be included.


due to overwhelming interest, registration for annual conference has officially closed as we've reached capacity.

we understand this may be disappointing news for those who haven't registered.

be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates and reminders for annual conference 2025.

what's included in your registration fee?

  • an event app (please note, this is an in-person meeting)
  • admission to all scientific sessions
  • admission to break and lunchtime  information and career development sessions
  • full access to the trade exhibition
  • full access to scientific poster sessions
  • buffet lunch on tuesday 9 april and wednesday 10 april
  • tea and coffee breaks
  • access to an online abstracts book
  • certificate of attendance (on request)
  • access to cpd points

registration confirmation

upon registration, you should receive an automated confirmation email. please contact [email protected] if this has not been received within 24 hours.

visa applications

if you need a letter of invitation for a visa application, we will be happy to supply this after we have received full payment. to find out if you need a visa to visit the uk, please visit the uk visa and immigration website.

it is the policy of the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? not to supply an invitation letter to any delegate without payment and we will not reply to any request from an unregistered delegate. when the delegate has paid, the conference office will email back a confirmation/receipt letter and, upon request, a letter of invitation, which may be used to obtain the necessary visa.

please note that all conference delegates are responsible for their own travel and visa arrangements; the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? will not take any responsibility for travel or visa problems.

payment information

all registration fees must be paid in full before arrival at the conference. any outstanding registration fees must be paid before admittance will be granted to the conference.


refunds are not provided; however substitutions of attendees can be made at any time before the event by contacting [email protected].

cpd, grants and prizes

continuing professional development

the society aims to include a professional development offering for its 2022世界杯对阵分析 and delegates at most of its events. this year’s annual conference is no exception and includes a diverse range of cpd related sessions and awards aimed at our early career delegates. from career and grant writing direction, to networking opportunities and publishing support, the 2024 annual conference will cater to delegates varying professional development needs.
speaker (where applicable)
monday 8 april 2024
13:00- 13:45
erc grant writing: how to apply for your next erc grant
alessandra ferrari
14:00- 16:30
careers session:  transitions: career paths outside of academia
angharad green
ashley otter
smilla huzell
oliver severn
joyce bennett
rebekah penrice- randal
alain richard


careers session: speed networking
careers session speakers
tuesday 09 april 2024
9:40- 10:10
governance opportunities: intro to governance: getting involved with committees and council
glyn owen
éva bernadett bényei guerrino macori
karen robinson 
13:00- 13:45 edi panel : cultivating diversity: practical ways to make microbiology more inclusive
professor emmanuel adukwu
dr leighann sherry elizabeth wynn
14:45- 15:45
infection science award (isa) 2023 awardees
eva bernadette benyei
ijeoma okoliegbe
james shepherd
neil cunningham
infection forum: infection science award
infection science award finalists
wednesday 10 april 2024
9:40- 10:10
champions showcase
arindam mitra
10:15- 12:45
infection forum: infection science award
infection science award finalists
13:00- 13:45
publishing fundamentals
tamanna khanom
dalia nikadon
naomi froude
thursday 11 april 2024
education and outreach network (eon) higher education fellowships
leanne taylor- smith
throughout conference
sir howard dalton early career microbiologist of the year award
throughout conference
early career co-chairing scheme


erc grant writing: how to apply for your next erc grant

the european research council's mission is to encourage the highest quality research in europe through competitive funding and to support investigator-driven frontier research across all fields, based on scientific excellence.

the erc is the premier european funding organisation for excellent frontier research. it funds creative researchers of any demographic, to run projects based across europe.

the erc offers four core grant schemes: starting grantsconsolidator grantsadvanced grants and synergy grants. with its additional proof of concept grant scheme, the erc helps grantees to explore the innovation potential of their ideas or research results.

during the grant writing session, useful information will be shared on how to best prepare your erc grant applications, including tips, dos and don’ts . the session will be followed by q&a time.

career session and speed networking

during the career session, delegates will benefit from the varying perspectives and career journeys of invited speakers who have transitioned from academia to industry, government agencies, 2022世界杯对阵分析 societies and more—they will have the opportunity to further interact with them during the subsequent speed networking round.

governance opportunities

a brief introduction to the society's governance structure and how it works to benefit our members. join the governance executive (glyn owen) along with some current members of council and committees to learn about what they do for the society and how getting involved could benefit you.

infection science award

the infection science award is an exchange scheme that facilitates the most promising trainee and early career presenters from the federation of infection societies (fis) annual conference (infectious disease futures session) to present at the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? annual conference (infection forum) and vice versa. the award aims to support the exchange of ideas between the two meetings and the career development of early career researchers and trainee scientists and doctors by exposing them to new audiences and networks.

champions’ showcase

the champions’ showcase will feature the society’s champions discussing their experiences taking part in the scheme and how it has benefited both them and the society, with a particular focus on the importance of international collaborations. the scheme aims to raise awareness of the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? and microbiology. champions do this in their local area by initiating activities and events of their own or participating in society-led activities.

publishing fundamentals

this year’s conference will feature a first of its kind session on publishing fundamentals: a workshop in which our journals’ editors will take delegates through some of the basics of the publishing process and how to ensure that they produce journal-worthy papers. 

education and outreach network (eon) higher education fellowships

the education and outreach network emphasises aspects of learning or teaching microbiology as well as any aspect of engaging a wider audience with microbiology. the network’s symposium this year will take particular interest in the topics of sustainability, artificial intelligence, the use of game-enhanced learning or antimicrobial resistance and welcomes colleagues in any setting e.g. clinicians, technicians, those in industry, etc.

ec co-chairing scheme

the ec-co-chairing scheme offers selected ec forum members an insightful professional development opportunity to learn about being a session chair from more experienced colleagues. co-chairs will receive a letter of thanks from the ec forum executive committee confirming that they participated in the co-chairing scheme and will be recognised in the conference programme.

the sir howard dalton early career microbiologist of the year competition

the sir howard dalton early career microbiologist of the year prize recognises and rewards excellence in science communication by a member in the early stages of their career. with the new set up, the competition will be split between talks and posters. talk presentations will be judged by division chairs while poster and flash talks will be judged by the early career forum executive committee.

accreditations this event has been approved by the royal college of pathologists (rcpath) for 18 cpd credits (excluding refreshment breaks), accredited by the royal society of biology (rsb) for 140 cpd credits and endorsed by the institute of biomedical sciences.

destination, accommodation, travel & creche

the conference will take place at the edinburgh international conference centre (eicc): 

150 morrison street,
eh3 8ee


by car

if you are travelling using a sat nav, please use the postcode eh3 8ee. the main entrance is 150 morrison street.

by air

the airlink 100 operates a frequent bus service (every 10 minutes at peak times) between edinburgh airport and the city centre, with designated stops en route. the service starts at 04:30 and runs until 00:22 at night, with the journey taking 20 minutes. tickets cost £4.50 for a single and £7.50 for a return. delegates are advised to disembark at haymarket railway station and to follow signs for eicc on foot (a 5-minute walk). 

the n22 bus also departs from outside the airport entrance and runs every half an hour through the night until the airlink service starts again. for more information about these services visit www.flybybus.com.

by tram

edinburgh trams run between the airport and york place every 8-10 minutes monday to saturday and every 12-15 minutes on sundays.  the closest tram stop to the eicc is at haymarket station. please visit the edinburgh trams website for more details.

by rail

edinburgh has two railway stations:

waverley station, which is 1.3 miles from eicc, is the city's main railway station and has direct routes to many cities across the country, including over 25 daily departures from london.

haymarket station, which is just 0.4 miles from eicc, is a stop for many commuters and some uk train routes.  please ensure that you check with your rail network provider to find out if your train will stop at haymarket or waverley.

by bus

edinburgh's main bus terminal is located at st andrew's square. visit lothian buses for more information on local bus services.


for information about travel by coach please visit the national express website.

car parking

there are many car parks within close walking distance of the eicc. please see the eicc website for more details.


to support you in securing your accommodation we provide links to our booking and accommodation services via first choice.

first choice have secured negotiated rates at hotels to suit a broad range of budgets.

book accommodation

if you require any further information for personal or group hotel bookings, please email [email protected] at any time.


the society is again teaming up with nipperbout to provide a free crèche at the annual conference 2024. the crèche will be available to all children of delegates between the ages of 0 and 12 years.

all registered delegates will be offered the opportunity to make use of these free childcare services, which will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

how to register your child
parents: how to register for a creche place

in order to register, visit the nipperbout portal.

existing account holders who have already used the system can log into their existing account and register for the event using the event code: msa080423 under events and sessions.

members who have not used the system before can create an account by clicking register, completing the form and entering the event code: msa080423. you will then be able to request a place for your child in the creche and create your password.

booking is on a first-come, first-served basis. confirmation of your booking will be sent prior to the conference.

please note that you are entering into an agreement with nipperbout and not the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? .

nipperbout is an award-winning event childcare company with over 25 years of experience. for more information, please visit the nipperbout website. if you have any queries about this service, please contact: [email protected].

for further information, please contact: [email protected].

social programme

the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? annual conference is a key feature in the calendar of a microbiologist – from undergraduates to those more established in their career.

the scientific event is designed to provide ample opportunities for formal networking and the social programme offers informal opportunities for delegates to make new friends, forge future collaborations and have fun.

sold out: early career forum networking and social

social.png 2
monday 8 april 
time: 19:30
tickets: £10
location: the fox and faun, 101 shandwick place edinburgh eh2 4sd

the early career (ec) forum executive committee will be hosting an evening of interactive games and networking on monday 8 april 2024. with complimentary buffet supported by the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? . whether it's your first time at conference and you'd like to meet new people and brush up on your networking skills, or you'd just like to come and enjoy an evening of fun and socialising, be sure to join this event.

join the waiting list


disabled and neurodivergent members networking and social

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monday 8 april
time: 19:00–21:00
location: edinburgh printmakers, 1 dundee street edinburgh, eh3 9fp

members of the society, led by the members panel, invite you to join the first ever disabled and neurodivergent members social at annual conference. all members of the society, at any career stage, who identify as disabled and/or neurodivergent (e.g. autistic, adhd, dyslexic, dyspraxic and more) are welcome, irrespective of whether they have a formal diagnosis, are awaiting diagnosis or self-identify. light refreshments will be provided by the venue’s vegan cafe with generous support from the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? .

secure your tickets


sold out: 3rd lgbtq+ networking event with trans and nonbinary pre-meet

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tuesday 9 april 
time: 19:30–20:00 and then 20:00–21:30
location: within walking distance of the icc. venue confirmed via email to attendees

after two years of successful and highly-praised lgbtq+ networking events, society champions and members panel members have come together to organise a third instalment at annual conference 2024 in edinburgh, uk. this year there will also be a trans and nonbinary pre-meet before the main event, which can be booked in addition, via the same booking link.

join our members for an evening of fun, networking and celebration over soft drinks and vegan nibbles, from 20:00–21:30 on tuesday 9 april 2024. the pre-meet for our trans and nonbinary members will run beforehand, 19:30–20:00.

join the waiting list



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tuesday 9 april 
time: 20:30 – 23:00
tickets: £25.00
location: the auditorium at the ghillie dhu (2 rutland place, edinburgh, eh12ad)

calling all dancers, music lovers, and anyone looking for a rip-roaring good time! get ready to stomp your boots and swing your partners at our upcoming ceilidh! it's a chance to let loose, make new friends, and experience the rich culture of scotland.

guests will enjoy a welcome drink, followed by traditional ceilidh dancing with our live ceilidh band and caller.

secure your tickets


quiz night

wednesday 10 april 
time: doors open from 20:30 (quiz starts from 21:00)
reduced ticket price: £10.00
location: orchardfield suite at the doubletree by hilton edinburgh city centre

it's quiz time! ready to unleash your inner quiz champion? gather your troops, book your tickets, and prepare to flex your intellectual muscles!

the quiz will be held in the orchardfield suite at the doubletree by hilton edinburgh city centre and your ticket includes a welcome drink.

secure your tickets


sold out: eon board game night

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wednesday 10 april 
time: 19:00 – 22:00
location: games hub (101 lauriston place, edinburgh eh3 9jb)

join the society's education and outreach network for an evening of fun and games! we will be hosted by the games hub edinburgh, which is just a 10-minute walk from the conference centre. this venue is wheelchair-accessible via the ground floor entrance. the event starts at 19:00 but please feel free to arrive later and drop in and out throughout the event. reasonably priced food and drink are available to purchase at the venue if you wish (toasties, paninis, burgers, hot and cold drinks etc). we would encourage those attending to bring any microbiology-themed games with you!

join the waiting list