british yeast group 2022 – abstract deadline extended
27 may 2022

british yeast group 2022 is pleased to extend the abstract submission deadline. the deadline for all abstracts to be submitted for the meeting is 6 june 2022, at 23:59 bst.
british yeast group takes place september 7–9 september 2022 at university college london, uk and will highlight the theme ‘from genomes to cells’, covering diverse topics from dna metabolism to organelle and cell function. the meeting will feature a diverse range of talks from invited speakers; talks and poster presentations selected from public abstracts submissions; and informal social and networking opportunities.
the scientific organising committee welcomes abstract submissions from both members and non-members of the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? . all offered oral poster presentations will be selected from the abstracts submitted.
submit your abstract
to learn more about the meeting and for abstract guidance, please visit the event webpage.
updates on the meeting can also be found on our social media channels using the hashtag #byg22