annual conference 2023 – less than one week left to submit your abstract
12 december 2022

abstract submission closes in less than one week on friday 16 december 2022, 23:59 gmt for annual conference 2023. this is the final abstract submission deadline, so don’t miss out on this opportunity to showcase your work at this prestigious microbiology event!
notifications of acceptance will be sent on the week commencing 23 january 2023.
annual conference regularly attracts over 1,600 attendees for the uk’s largest annual gathering of microbiologists. it is designed to cover the breadth of microbiology research and its oral abstracts and posters reflect this comprehensive scientific programme.
annual conference 2023 will take place monday 17 april–thursday 20 april 2023 at birmingham international convention centre (icc). learn more about the sessions open for abstract submission on the event page.
image: istock/giuseppe miglino.