content from our journals
monkeypox and poxviridae
a tale of two clades: monkeypox viruses
disruption of the cgas/sting axis does not impair sensing of mva in bhk21 cells
molecular and genomic characterization of a novel equine molluscum contagiosum-like virus
genomic characterization of a novel poxvirus from a flying fox: evidence for a new genus?
orthopoxvirus infection among wildlife in zambia
virulence and pathophysiology of the congo basin and west african strains of monkeypox virus in non-human primates
cowpox and vaccinia virus
the genomes of nucleocytoplasmic large dna viruses: viral evolution writ large
vaccinia virus immune evasion: mechanisms, virulence and immunogenicity
the vaccinia virus n1l protein is an intracellular homodimer that promotes virulence
towards an understanding of the avian virome
study shows an mcv protein that downregulates mhc in the cell surface to stop cytotoxic t cells
tagging of the vaccinia virus protein f13 with mcherry causes aberrant virion morphogenesis
new insights into reovirus evolution: implications from a newly characterized mycoreovirus
methods for virus classification and the challenge of incorporating metagenomic sequence data
parapoxvirus (ppv) of red deer reveals subclinical infection and confirms a unique species
il-10 encoded by viruses: a remarkable example of independent acquisition of a cellular gene by viruses and its subsequent evolution in the viral genome
oral vaccine? intrabronchial inoculation of cynomolgus macaques with cowpox virus
mutations in modified virus ankara protein 183 render it a non-functional counterpart of b14, an inhibitor of nuclear factor κb activation
conservation and variation of the parapoxvirus gm-csf-inhibitory factor (gif) proteins
vaccinia virus: shedding and horizontal transmission in a murine model
double-stranded rna-binding protein e3 controls translation of viral intermediate rna, marking an essential step in the life cycle of modified vaccinia virus ankara
virus complement evasion strategies
an investigation of incorporation of cellular antigens into vaccinia virus particles