get involved in our policy work

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the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? aims to promote a better understanding of microbiology and highlight the important role of microbiologists to policy-makers, opinion-formers and the public. members can help us achieve these aims by sharing their expertise and getting involved in our policy activities. your involvement may help inform policy decisions relevant to microbiology, or indeed, society as a whole. it is also a great opportunity for professional development and furthering the impact of your research and expertise.

ways members can contribute to the society’s policy work include:

consultation responses

members can contribute to consultation responses. consultations are calls for input from government and other large bodies that give people a chance to get involved in the decision making process. it is an important aspect of policy-making, and is crucial for the development of evidence based policies. we respond to a variety of consultations from government and other policy organisations, which cover diverse topics, such as antimicrobial resistance, research funding priorities and science education policy. if you come across a consultation that would benefit from our input, get in touch to discuss co-ordinating a response. keep an eye out in our monthly newsletters and across social media for calls for views and evidence from members.

attend policy workshops and events

the society sometimes holds workshops with members to inform our policy work, and also invites members to attend other policy events. visit our policy events listing and read our monthly newsletter to find out about upcoming events.

organise an event

do you have an idea for an event to engage the public with a microbiology-relevant policy issue? eligible members can apply for one of our education and outreach grants to make it happen. 

get in touch

if you would like to be listed as a member who is keen to contribute their expertise to inform our policy activities, such as consultation responses and position statements, you can get in touch to let us know about your expertise and interest in getting involved. you can also get in touch if you are aware of a policy issue or activity of relevance to the society’s members. you can contact the policy officer at [email protected].


read our engaging in science policy article for top tips to communicate your research to policy-makers.