digital events

issue: fleming prize winners

20 october 2020 article

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why microbiologists matter: a digital celebration of the journeys of our members
#whymicrobiologistsmatter #flemingshowcase #youngmicro20

23–26 november 2020
digital event

the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? will be hosting a series of online events and meetings in november 2020 entitled ‘why microbiologists matter: a digital celebration of the journeys of our members’.

the online events take place between monday 23 and thursday 26 november 2020 and the event series is designed to explore the impact of microbiologists’ past, present and future.

join us by streaming the week’s content, which includes short lectures, panels, training workshops and debates from some of the leading scientists around the world. the events include our fleming prize lecture 2020 and the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? outreach prize lecture, as well as our annual general meeting.

the week’s activities will also span every career stage, from established senior scientists to early career microbiologists, and will host the final of the sir howard dalton young microbiologist of the year competition.

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the week will include presentations from this year’s fleming showcase to celebrate the society’s 75th anniversary. these lectures are organised by an appointed committee of previous fleming prize winners, chaired by nobel prize winner sir paul nurse, in commemoration of the society’s first president, sir alexander fleming.

      the week will feature presentations from a global line-up, including the following speakers:

  • luke alphey pirbright institute, uk
    genetic control of mosquitoes
  • bonnie bassler princeton university, usa
    quorum-sensing communication: from viruses to bacteria to eukaryotes
  • stirling churchman harvard university, usa
    orchestrating gene regulation across the genome and across the cell
  • eddie holmes university of sydney, australia
    the expanding virosphere
  • grant jensen caltech, usa
    visualising bacterial nanomachines in situ by electron cryotomography
  • mark pallen quadram institute, uk
    palaeomicrobiology: what ancient dna can tell us about pathogens from the past
  • liz sockett university of nottingham, uk
    predatory bdellovibrio bacteria – 58 years of understanding them as allies against amr infections

‘why microbiologists matters’ is free to society members. registration is now open for those wishing to book a place at the meeting (

annual conference online 2021

26–30 april 2021
digital event

the society recently made the decision to cancel annual conference 2021 as a physical meeting and to replace it with an online event whose symposia and activities are designed to achieve the same scientific and networking objectives.

the result – annual conference online 2021 – is designed to celebrate the impact of microbiology and microbiologists everywhere. it will be run as a week-long meeting between monday 26 april and friday 30 april 2021.


annual conference is the uk’s largest annual gathering of microbiologists and we are working hard to ensure that this online iteration will be every bit as valuable to our broad scientific community.

the programme for the week is currently in production. as ever, the science is designed to demonstrate the impact and potential of microbiology to address important global challenges. the event will also offer meaningful engagement and networking opportunities for both early career and established microbiologists.

further programme details – including a list of the invited speakers and their abstracts – will be available online closer to the event.

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as with the traditional live annual conference, there will be a public call for abstracts later this year. the final digital event in april 2021 will host offered abstracts from these submissions to showcase the latest scientific research.

for those giving offered orals, the event will be an excellent digital platform for emerging scientific research. so don’t miss out on this opportunity to showcase your microbiological work to the widest group of microbiologists in the country. further information about specific abstract submission categories will be published via the website ( to get the latest news and updates for this flagship digital meeting from the society, follow us on twitter @microbiosoc.