member q&a: fritz ka-ho ho

issue: fleming prize winners

20 october 2020 article

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this is a regular column to introduce our members. in this issue, we’re pleased to introduce fritz ka-ho ho.

where are you currently based?

i was just awarded a phd this summer in pharmacy and pharmacology at the university of bath in the uk, and i am currently working as a student’s union sabbatical officer (postgraduate) with part-time research posts.

what is your area of specialism?

pharmaceutical microbiology.

and more specifically?

my phd project focused on developing the use of film-forming agents that provide a film barrier on the skin to prevent and treat fungal skin infections, without the intervention of standard antifungal agents, to avoid the development of antifungal resistance and prevent cross-contaminations.

tell us about your education to date.

interestingly, i do not have much educational experience in microbiology, except understanding the drugs they can make. i graduated with my bsc in pharmacology and msc in forensic toxicology at the university of glasgow. at one time i planned to be an analytical technician because i doubted my research ability during my final year project. however, at the end of my master’s course, i felt more interested in drug development for relieving humans from disease, instead of improving forensic analysis.

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© fritz ka-ho ho microcolony imaging of trichophyton interdigitale . 
where did your interest in microbiology come from?

my father gets dermatophytosis on one foot but not on the other. since i started my life science degree, he has discussed his observations and assumptions with me regarding the reasons this could be the case. this experience instilled my interest in whether these ideas would work to explore a new treatment method for fungal skin infection.

what are the professional challenges that present themselves and how do you try to overcome them?

it is not hard to think outside the box, but difficult to expand the box we have. i inspire new ideas by reading articles from different fields of science.

what is the best part about ‘doing science’?

filling the gaps of knowledge.

who is your role model?

i have no role model but a pipette. it is accurate and responsible.

what do you do to relax?

feeding happy ducks at the lake at my university.

what one luxury item would you take to a desert island?

a writing kit to record my life’s experiences.

tell us one thing that your work colleagues won’t know about you!

sleeping in the lab to complete overnight experiments.

if you weren’t a scientist, what would you be?

a historian. i love studying history because it is a mirror that reflects the vicissitudes of society.

if you would like to be featured in this section or know someone who may, contact paul easton, head of 2022世界杯对阵分析 services, at [email protected].