//www.banhxebo.com/news-press-new/full-news-listing.html full news listing - 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? http://www.rssboard.org/rss-specification feedgenerator meet harry smith vacation studentship recipient: kaia melville the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? <a href="//www.banhxebo.com/grants/grants/harry-smith-vacation-studentships.html?_gl=1*18lyazt*_up*mq..*_ga*mtq1ndc5otuxmi4xnzi5ntg2ndcz*_ga_kjr7ls80p1*mtcyotu4njq3mi4xljeumtcyotu4njq4oc4wljauma..">harry smith vacation studentship</a> is a competitive scheme that enables undergraduate students studying microbiology to work on research projects across the breadth of microbiology and gain essential insight into the world of research during the summer vacation.<br /> <br /> meet the harry smith vacation studentship receipients and learn more about their journey. //www.banhxebo.com/blog/meet-harry-smith-vacation-studentship-recipient-kaia-melville.html fri, 13 dec 2024 12:05:00 gmt sciety welcomes access microbiology for the public review and curation of microbiology research <p dir="ltr">sciety is pleased to welcome the open research platform <em>access microbiology</em> to its community, bringing public evaluation to the latest microbiology and virology research.</p> //www.banhxebo.com/news/sciety-welcomes-access-microbiology-for-the-public-review-and-curation-of-microbiology-research.html thu, 12 dec 2024 13:00:00 gmt fee-free open access publishing in 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? titles for developing and transition economy countries and territories: new agreement signed with eifl as part of its ongoing efforts to make open access (oa) publishing more equitable, the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? is pleased to announce a new article processing charge (apc) waiver agreement with <a href="https://www.eifl.net/">electronic information for libraries (eifl)</a>. the agreement, commencing in january 2025, will cover unlimited fee-free oa publishing in all society titles for researchers across 33 developing and transition economy countries and territories. //www.banhxebo.com/news/fee-free-open-access-publishing-in-microbiology-society-titles-for-developing-and-transition-economy-countries-and-territories-new-agreement-signed-with-eifl.html wed, 11 dec 2024 10:00:00 gmt microbiology in industry: eloise nelson’s week at gsk ware society champion, eloise nelson, visited glaxo smithkline (gsk) in hopes of learning more about how microbiology is applied in an industrial setting, expanding her network and sharing some advice from her experience. below, eloise shares her insights on her visit to gsk.<br /> <br /> hi, my name is eloise, an undergraduate msci biomedical sciences student at newcastle university and a 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? champion! i&rsquo;m interested in antimicrobial resistance and fungi. //www.banhxebo.com/blog/microbiology-in-industry-eloise-nelson-s-week-at-gsk-ware.html tue, 10 dec 2024 12:00:00 gmt <i>microbiology</i> editors: call for expressions of interest <em>microbiology</em>brings together communities of scientists from all microbiological disciplines and from around the world, andwe are looking for new editors to join the editorial board. //www.banhxebo.com/news/i-microbiology-i-editors-call-for-expressions-of-interest-dec-2024.html sat, 07 dec 2024 09:00:00 gmt the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? responds to change nhs consultation the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? has coordinated a response to a consultation launched by nhs england on their 10-year plan. //www.banhxebo.com/news/the-microbiology-society-responds-to-change-nhs-consultation.html fri, 06 dec 2024 14:00:00 gmt celebrating international volunteer day 2024 with our society champions 5 december 2024 is<a href="https://www.un.org/en/observances/volunteer-day" target="_blank">international volunteer day</a>and it&rsquo;s a great opportunity for us to highlight why 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? volunteers have decided to become champions and have generously given their time to promote microbiology and the society in their local areas.<br /> this year, we want to show appreciation to champions who contribute to the society in many different ways. they have attended events on our behalf; organised their own events; taken part in interviews and written blogs. they have also played a vital role in the society&rsquo;s focus on equality, diversity and inclusion by providing content for awareness days and organising social events for members of our community from historically marginalised groups.<br /> below, you can find out more about why two of our champions decided to join the scheme and what they get out of it. //www.banhxebo.com/blog/celebrating-international-volunteer-day-2024-with-our-society-champions.html thu, 05 dec 2024 11:45:00 gmt how did human brains get so big? the answer could be in our gut. microbes supporting the production of more metabolic energy could be key to the evolution of large brains.<br /> <ul> <li>new research provides the first evidence that differences in gut microbiomes across species are linked to how energy is used in the body. this could have shaped human evolution of larger brains.</li> <li>the gut microbiome is a community of microorganisms in the digestive system. previous research has linked changes in the gut microbiome to changes in host metabolism (the processes in the body that convert or use energy).</li> <li>the study found that mice given gut microbes taken from large-brained primates ate more and shifted their energy usage to glucose &ndash; the brain&rsquo;s primary fuel source. whereas the mice that were given gut microbes from smaller-brained primates stored the energy as fat.</li> <li>this change in energy utilization could be an explanation of how humans were able to evolve large brains relative to body size that are energetically expensive to maintain.</li> </ul> //www.banhxebo.com/news/how-did-human-brains-get-so-big-the-answer-could-be-in-our-gut.html tue, 03 dec 2024 09:00:00 gmt seas, waters and spirits: explore the latest microbial discoveries <strong>each month, the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? publishes the</strong><a href="https://www.microbiologyresearch.org/content/journal/ijsem" target="_blank"><i>international journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology</i></a><strong>, which details newly discovered species of bacteria, fungi and protists. here are some of the new species that have been discovered and the places they&#39;ve been found.</strong> //www.banhxebo.com/blog/seas-waters-and-spirits-explore-the-latest-microbial-discoveries.html sun, 01 dec 2024 00:00:00 gmt unlocking the future of microbiology research: fundraising for the society’s 80th anniversary as the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? approaches its 80th anniversary, we face challenging circumstances to generate the income needed to support our community. council has been aware of these challenges for a number of years and has taken steps to ensure that we can navigate them successfully. //www.banhxebo.com/news/unlocking-the-future-of-microbiology-research-fundraising-for-the-society-s-80th-anniversary.html tue, 26 nov 2024 10:00:00 gmt microbial mayhem: the impact of persistent critical illness emily tang takes us behind the scenes of their latest publication &#39;<a href="https://www.microbiologyresearch.org/content/journal/jmm/10.1099/jmm.0.001888#:~:text=conclusion.,was%20associated%20with%20clinical%20outcomes.">lower gastrointestinal tract dysbiosis in persistent critical illness: a systematic review</a>&#39; published in <em>journal of medical microbiology.</em> //www.banhxebo.com/blog/microbial-mayhem-the-impact-of-persistent-critical-illness.html tue, 26 nov 2024 09:00:00 gmt keeping up with virus taxonomy: the latest ictv profiles for this edition of &lsquo;keeping up with virus taxonomy&rsquo;, we thought we&rsquo;d take a slightly different approach. instead of bringing you a collection of families of viruses that infect fungi or aretransmitted by insects, we&rsquo;re going to make sure you&rsquo;re up to date with profiles that are hot off the press. so, let&rsquo;s take a look at the latest ictv profiles published in <i>journal of general virology.</i> //www.banhxebo.com/blog/keeping-up-with-virus-taxonomy-the-latest-ictv-profiles.html mon, 25 nov 2024 09:00:00 gmt microbe talk - world antimicrobial resistance awareness week: pediatric amr for this episode of microbe talk clare is joined by dr sanjay patel, a paediatric infectious disease and immunology consultant at southampton children&#39;s hospital and the national clinical advisor for paediatric antimicrobial stewardship at nhs england. clare and sanjay discuss paediatric amr, why it&#39;s often overlooked and how sanjay and his colleagues from clinical, research and policy backgrounds are taking action. //www.banhxebo.com/blog/microbe-talk-world-antimicrobial-resistance-awareness-week-pediatric-amr.html sat, 23 nov 2024 09:15:00 gmt meet harry smith vacation studentship recipient: sonny hart the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? <a href="//www.banhxebo.com/grants/grants/harry-smith-vacation-studentships.html?_gl=1*18lyazt*_up*mq..*_ga*mtq1ndc5otuxmi4xnzi5ntg2ndcz*_ga_kjr7ls80p1*mtcyotu4njq3mi4xljeumtcyotu4njq4oc4wljauma..">harry smith vacation studentship</a> is a competitive scheme that enables undergraduate students studying microbiology to work on research projects across the breadth of microbiology and gain essential insight into the world of research during the summer vacation.<br /> <br /> meet the harry smith vacation studentship receipients and learn more about their journey. //www.banhxebo.com/blog/meet-harry-smith-vacation-studentship-recipient-sonny-hart.html fri, 22 nov 2024 10:00:00 gmt hitchhiker’s guide to the plastisphere: exploring the role of microplastics in supporting antimicrobial resistant pathogens emily may stevenson takes us behind the scenes of their latest publication &#39;selective colonization of microplastics, wood and glass by antimicrobial-resistant and pathogenic bacteria&#39; published in <em>microbiology</em>. //www.banhxebo.com/blog/hitchhiker-s-guide-to-the-plastisphere-exploring-the-role-of-microplastics-in-supporting-antimicrobial-resistant-pathogens.html fri, 22 nov 2024 09:00:00 gmt meet education and outreach grant recipient: kitty guo the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? <a href="//www.banhxebo.com/grants/grants/outreach-and-engagement-grant.html">outreach and engagement grant</a>provides up to &pound;1000 to support relevant science outreach or public engagement initiatives that engage new audiences in the art and science in any aspect of microbiology.<br /> <br /> meet the grant receipients and learn more about their projects. //www.banhxebo.com/blog/meet-education-and-outreach-grant-recipient-kitty-guo.html thu, 21 nov 2024 10:00:00 gmt <i>microbial genomics</i> editor and editors: call for expressions of interest <a href="https://www.microbiologyresearch.org/content/journal/mgen"><i>microbial genomics</i></a> is the open access journal of choice for genome research spanning the breadth of microbial life including viruses, bacteria, archaea and microbial eukaryotes. we welcome articles showing novel insights, new applications, or innovative approaches using genomic data. content ranges from comparative and functional genomics of model organisms to population-scale evolution, epidemiology and microbiome studies, and real-world genomics applications with clinical, veterinary or environmental relevance. //www.banhxebo.com/news/i-microbial-genomics-i-editor-and-editors-call-for-expressions-of-interest.html wed, 20 nov 2024 12:00:00 gmt <i>access microbiology</i> editor and editor mentee roles: call for expressions of interest <a href="https://www.microbiologyresearch.org/content/journal/acmi"><i>access microbiology</i></a>is an open research platform that encourages the publication of replication studies, negative or null results, research proposals, data management plans, additions to established methods, case reports, genome announcements and interdisciplinary work. it covers the full spectrum of microscopic life forms, from bacteria and viruses to fungi, protists, archaea, and algae. the platform welcomes all approaches, from computational, biotechnology, and laboratory work, to environmental, clinical, and veterinary studies. it also publishes pedagogy papers on microbiology education. //www.banhxebo.com/news/i-access-microbiology-i-editor-and-editor-mentee-roles-call-for-expressions-of-interest.html tue, 19 nov 2024 16:00:00 gmt democratising bioinformatics! breaking the bioinformatics barrier in amr genome analysis su datt lam, sabrina di gregorio, mia yang ang, emma griffiths, tengku zetty maztura tengku jamaluddin, sheila nathan and hui-min neoh take us behind the scenes of their latest publication <a href="https://www.microbiologyresearch.org/content/journal/mgen/10.1099/mgen.0.001308">&#39;amrcolab &ndash; a user-friendly antimicrobial resistance detection and visualization tool&#39;</a>published in <em>microbial genomics.</em> //www.banhxebo.com/blog/democratising-bioinformatics-breaking-the-bioinformatics-barrier-in-amr-genome-analysis.html tue, 19 nov 2024 09:00:00 gmt reflections on the united nations high-level meeting on antimicrobial resistance in september, the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? attended the united nations high-level meeting on antimicrobial resistance (un hlm on amr).the meeting was a critical opportunity for world leaders to come together and commit to clear, new targets and practical steps to tackle amr. here, we highlight how the hlm represented a major step forward in knocking out amr, but still fell short in some key areas. //www.banhxebo.com/blog/reflections-on-the-un-hlm-on-amr.html mon, 18 nov 2024 15:15:00 gmt