
thanks to the society’s fundraising activities, the 世界杯赛程表 exists for early and mid-career members who may require an extra level of support to help them deal with circumstances that threaten to hold them back from achieving what they could. each grant is up to £5,000 per person, as part of a bespoke package or ‘toolkit’ for career development.
we partnered with industry-leading organisations and providers to deliver the modules of the toolkit. these partners include the uk chapter of the international coaching federation and sarah blackford, a leading biosciences careers consultant.

key details
maximum award: the equivalent of £5,000
deadline: this grant is not currently available for new applications. please check back regularly for updates.
eligible 2022世界杯对阵分析
categories: full, full concessionary and student members who are early-career, working in any sector, including industry or clinical sectors, or on a career break.
minimum 2022世界杯对阵分析
: one year (with two consecutive 2022世界杯对阵分析
what is covered by the grant
application process
award criteria
postgraduate, full concessionary and full members who are early or mid-career, working in any sector, including industry or clinical sectors, or on a career break with a strong case for support within the remit of the grant.
as a guide, we consider you an early career microbiologist if you’re an undergraduate or postgraduate student, or within five years of appointment to your first position after your highest degree is earned. you would be considered mid-career if you are more than five years post-phd but not yet in a leadership position. if you are unsure if you are eligible to apply, please contact [email protected].
what is covered by the grant
as the 世界杯赛程表 will be bespoke to each individual recipient, the support package offered will be tailored to the individual applicant based on their needs. often, individuals get stuck when faced with an unfamiliar problem or challenge. recipients will be able to select elements of their support package which will include access to trained professionals, mentors and coaches, who will work to identify a way forward and provide support. each recipient will be able to choose up to two elements from five options: career coaching, a mentoring programme, life coaching, a leadership course or a bespoke support option identified via the application that does not fit with the previous options. all 世界杯赛程表 recipients will also join a virtual group to meet each other and form a peer support network.
application process
this grant is not currently available for new applications. please check back regularly for updates.
award criteria
application forms will be reviewed against the following criteria:
- the applicant’s work and career aspirations are relevant to the discipline of microbiology.
- the applicant demonstrates that they are actively invested in their own career development.
- the applicant demonstrates that they are proactive when faced with career challenges.
- the applicant has clearly outlined other sources of funding they have secured and how they will be used in addition to the 世界杯赛程表 .
terms and conditions
the 世界杯赛程表 is set up to support the career development of early and mid-career 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? members. the bespoke nature of the grant means that the modules selected by individual awardees and the plan for career development support are determined by the application form and discussion during the onboarding interview. the support needs of each awardee may change over time. the 世界杯赛程表 is intended to support awardees to gain greater clarity, confidence and empowerment to achieve their career goals which may include identifying a new career direction.