early career forum executive committee
the ec forum executive committee contributes to the delivery of the society’s strategic objectives by supporting the careers and professional development of microbiologists. the committee coordinates the work of the early career forum, ensuring that early career members and their views are included across all society activities by having representation across all committees.
the committee has a subgroup of four representatives who bring the early career viewpoint to the society's divisions.

co-chair of early career forum executive committee
jo kite
university of cambridge, uk

co-chair of early career forum executive committee
jack ferguson
university of birmingham, uk
early career forum executive committee 2024
jo kite |
university of cambridge, uk (co-chair) |
jack ferguson | university of birmingham, uk (co-chair) |
kelly capper-parkin |
sheffield hallam university, uk (ec representative for building communities committee) |
éva bernadett bényei |
university of cambridge, uk (ec representative for impact and influence committee) |
jack sunter |
oxford brookes university, uk (ec representative for sustainability committee) |
kathryn stratton |
university of east anglia, uk (ec representative for finance committee) |
mathew whelan | university college london (ec representative for sustainability committee) |
hement patadia | parul university (ec representative for audit, risk and evaluation) |
isobel garratt | university of bath, uk (ec representative for imapct and influence committee) |
elizabeth cummins | university of birmingham, uk (ec representative for publishing panel) |
david mark | university of glasgow, uk (ec representative for scientific conferences) |
ed deshmukh-reeves | university of kent, uk |
rowan casey | cardiff university (ec forum representative for virus division and for members panel) |
kasia parfitt | university of oxford, uk (ec representative for prokaryotic division) |
aoife mulry | tus (technological university of the shannon) (ec representative for irish division) |
terms of reference

terms of reference: istock/gajus.