advisory council
the advisory council of the society consists of up to 20 members. of these, seven representatives are elected by the 2022世界杯对阵分析 of the society, two are elected by the early career forum, eight are appointed as co-chairs of our committees, and three are appointed as executive officers: the president, general secretary and treasurer, who also sit on the society’s board of trustees.
working with the society’s staff, the advisory council is responsible for delivering active engagement and insights on behalf of the microbiology community. the advisory council reports to the society’s board of trustees, who bear the legal responsibilities of trustees of the charity and directors of the company. the governing document for the advisory council is the society’s bye-laws.

chair and president

professor gordon dougan frs
university of cambridge, uk
appointed members of the advisory council
john sinclair |
treasurer |
university of cambridge, uk |
karen robinson |
general secretary |
university of nottingham, uk |
geertje van keulen |
co-chair of sustainability committee |
swansea university, uk |
christine edwards |
co-chair of sustainability committee |
robert gordon university, uk |
kim hardie |
co-chair of building communities committee |
university of nottingham, uk |
kalai mathee |
co-chair of building communities committee |
lifetime omics, miami, usa |
catrin moore |
co-chair of impact and influence committee |
st george’s, university of london, uk |
jonathan cox |
co-chair of impact and influence committee |
aston university, uk |
kevin maringer |
co-chair of members panel |
pirbright institute, uk |
bruno silvester lopes |
co-chair of members panel |
teesside university, uk |
elected members of the advisory council
gerald barry |
advisory council representative on finance committee |
university college dublin, ireland |
sheila patrick |
advisory council representative on finance committee |
queen’s university belfast, uk |
george salmond |
advisory council representative on audit, risk and evaluation committee |
university of cambridge, uk |
justine rudkin |
advisory council representative on building communities committee |
university of glasgow, uk |
alan mcnally |
advisory council representative on building communities committee |
university of birmingham, uk |
arindam mitra |
advisory council representative on impact and influence committee |
adamas university, india |
lorena fernández-martínez |
advisory council representative on sustainability committee |
university of glasgow, uk |
rebecca mchugh |
co-chair of early career forum executive committee |
university of glasgow, uk |
jack ferguson |
co-chair of early career forum executive committee |
university of birmingham, uk |