early career forum executive committee

 reporting to advisory council, the early career forum executive committee is responsible for coordinating the work of the early career forum to support the society’s three main strategic objectives. the committee ensures that early career members and their views are included in the design and development of society activities to advance careers in microbiology. the committee works with staff to ensure that the activities delivered are in line with the agreed strategy and budget.

the forum’s activities include personal and professional development schemes and events such as the ec summer conference and the ec chairing scheme at annual conference.

the ec forum executive committee collaborates with all other branches of the governance structure to ensure due consideration for ec members and their needs by holding representative positions across all committees, divisions and standing panels.

early career forum executive committee 2025

rebecca mchugh

university of glasgow, uk (co-chair)

jack ferguson

university of birmingham, uk (co-chair)

natalie lamont

university of sunderland (ec representative for finance committee)

durgesh jaiswal

department of biotechnology graphic era, india (ec representative for sustainability committee)

matthew whelan

university college london, uk (ec representative for sustainability committee)

miki uchima

francis crick institute, king's college london, uk (ec representative for impact and influence committee)

daniel larcombe

university of strathclyde, uk (ec representative for building communities committee)

hemant patadia

parul university, india (ec representative for audit, risk and evaluation)

isobel garratt

university of bath, uk (ec representative for impact and influence committee)

lilly cummins

university of birmingham, uk (ec representative for publishing panel)

david mark

university of glasgow, uk ((ec forum

representative for scientific conferences panel)

ed deshmukh-reeves

university of kent, uk (ec forum

representative for eukaryotic division)

rowan casey

cardiff university, uk (ec forum

representative for virus division and members panel)

kasia parfitt

university of oxford, uk (ec representative for prokaryotic division)

aoife mulry

tus (technological university of the shannon), ireland (ec representative for irish division)

terms of reference 

early career forum executive committee terms of reference


terms of reference: istock/gajus.