members panel
reporting to advisory council, the members panel contributes to the delivery of the society’s strategic objectives by bringing the perspectives of historically marginalised communities to the society’s efforts. the panel ensures that the society is welcoming across all of its activities and that matters related to equality, diversity and inclusion receive due consideration at the highest level of society governance.
as part of this, the members panel co-ordinates the organisation of activities such as the lgbtqia+ and disabled and neurodivergent socials at annual conference and has played a key role in the introduction of the equality, diversity and inclusion prize.
the members panel collaborates with all other branches of the governance structure to ensure due consideration for matters related to equality, diversity and inclusion by holding representative positions across certain committees, divisions and standing panels at the discretion of members panel members.
co-chairs of members panel
bruno silvester lopes
lecturer in microbiology, teesside university, uk
i joined the panel to ensure that individuals in microbiology and beyond feel valued and included. my goal is to identify existing barriers and, drawing on my experiences, help others overcome them.
kevin maringer
group leader, the pirbright institute, uk
i am passionate about building more inclusive research environments and over my career have worked across a number of diversity characteristics with a particular focus on the lgbtq+ community, gender, socioeconomic background and race. because of my lived experience i have an interest in learning more about and supporting people with invisible diversity characteristics, for example lgbtq+, neurodiverse and first-in-family-to-university individuals.
anjam khan
principal investigator, newcastle university, uk
i am very passionate and highly committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion within academia and beyond into society. we need to address inequality and systemic racism within organisations and societies across the globe, challenging established structures within organisations which inadvertently perpetuate systemic racism.
cailean carter
postdoctoral research scientist, quadram institute bioscience, uk
i aspire to build a more understanding and accessible microbiology research community, welcoming neurodivergent individuals with adhd, autism, dyslexia, and similar conditions. embracing diverse perspectives will inevitably lead to more innovative solutions to address major challenges in microbiology.
catherine lawler
assistant professor, university of birmingham dubai, uae
i decided to join the members panel to help the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? become more inclusive. -
charlotte roughton
biological teaching technician, newcastle university, uk
i joined the members panel to contribute directly towards the society’s equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives and to help drive positive change. as a lesbian and autistic person, i hope to use my lived experiences to advocate for members from historically marginalised communities and ensure that the society is inclusive and welcoming to all.
guerrino macori
research scientist, university college dublin, ireland
i am delighted to contribute my expertise as a microbiologist trained in other european countries, including italy, and as an academic based in the republic of ireland, having worked in a variety of professional settings, including industry, official controls laboratories, and regulatory agencies.
liam cremona
phd candidate, university of warwick, uk
i joined the members panel because i wanted to get more involved with the society and continue the work of the panel in making microbiology accessible to all. i'm particularly interested in addressing barriers of entry for those in the lgbtq+ community.
onalenna neo
prerna vohra
lecturer, university of edinburgh, uk
as a woman, a person of colour and an immigrant, i feel very strongly about making the environment in academia more inclusive and equitable for people from all backgrounds. i am delighted to work with the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? to make this happen.
roshan nepal
postdoctoral fellow, commonwealth scientific and industrial research organisation, australia
my motivation for joining the members panel was to represent south asia in the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? and promote opportunities and events to the community. i was also keen to join the diverse team because it allows me to directly convey issues, ideas and suggestions from historically marginalised groups to the society's council.
rowan casey
phd student, cardiff university, uk
initially joining the panel to represent undergraduate students, i am passionate about supporting future microbiologists.
sara albagir abdalla mohammed
mls microbiology student, university of khartoum, sudan
i joined the members panel to represent microbiologists from disadvantaged backgrounds and resource-limited settings. my goal is to advocate for inclusivity and ensure that the society provides opportunities and support for individuals facing challenges in their professional journeys.
skylar ann gay
undergraduate student, university of virginia, usa
i joined the panel to bring awareness to excellence in undergraduate research and promote inclusivity for undergraduate researchers. i am passionate about promoting the work of early-career scientists.
sudarshan vishvani
co-opted members
sharon brookes
selection of chair and panel members
the members panel aims to represent the full breadth of our 2022世界杯对阵分析 , bringing unheard voices to the fore. the founding cohort sought representatives from black and asian members and those from other minoritised ethnic groups; members who identified as lgbtq+ and disabled members or those living with long-term illnesses that impacted their experience working in microbiology. members of the panel are required to have an enthusiasm for inclusion and ideas for helping the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? be welcoming to anyone interested in microbes, their effects, and their uses. the terms of reference for the panel can be found below.