submit the next journal of general virology profile image


journal of general virology has been publishing peer-reviewed research for over 50 years.

over this time, imaging techniques have advanced, allowing us to obtain higher resolution images and a better understanding of the structure of different viruses.

this year journal of general virology invites members of the microbiology community to participate in the microbiology images project and submit the next journal of general virology profile image.

this image will be the visual identity of the journal: featured on the journal website and on all journal marketing materials.

submitting your images

image submissions are open until the end of 2020.

we welcome high-quality electron microscopy images, fluorescence imaging, super-resolution microscopy, and high-resolution structural models.

the chosen image will be reviewed and selected by an expert panel of virologists, and the contributor will be fully credited across journal marketing materials.

more details on how to upload an image and image specifications can be found below:

share your involvement via twitter using the hashtags #microimages and #microbiosoc75th.