british yeast group 2021: the future of yeast research – a view from twitter

posted on december 16, 2021   by kimberley ndungu

on 7—9 december 2021, the society hosted the final focused meeting of the year, british yeast group 2021, which focused on the future of yeast research. here, we look back on the three-day online event with a view from twitter.


in anticipation of british yeast group 2021, we had a look at some of the featured research that would be presented at the event…

…and we looked forward to welcoming our sponsors, formedium, mp biomedicals, singer instruments and british mycological society, who supported #byg21.

finally, it was time to welcome all delegates to british yeast group 2021 as steve oliver commenced the event…

… and it was great to see delegates joining us for the first time as a team, or as phd students!

markus ralser kicked off the first session with his keynote lecture titled ‘large-scale proteomics reveals novel gene function and yeast protein complex dynamics’. despite some delegates having technical problems, it did not stop them from enjoying markus’ interesting talk.

the second half of the session was filled with talks just as fascinating and was concluded by sophie martin’s talk on cell patterning by secretion-induced membrane flows, and other membrane events.

it was then time to move on to the flash poster presentations…

…which were followed by the opportunity for delegates to speak with poster presenters about their research before day one came to an end!

 we kicked off day two with a presentation from elizabeth ballou. there was a lot to look forward to on the programme for the second day…

…including lamin saidykhan’s offered paper on discovering novel features and triggers for yeast-to-titan switch in cryptococcus gattii…

… and harlene ghuman’s talk on the ‘black fungus’, mucor, platelet aggregation through igg receptor fcγriia and integrin αiibβ3.

as the session came to an end, isheng jason tsai joined us from the biodiversity research center in taiwan to present his research.

again, day two was concluded with flash presentations and a poster session.

professor janet quinn introduced the final day of british yeast group 2021 and kicked off session three.

after the break, oliver severn from singer instruments continued the session with a sponsored talk, where he explained the benefits of using project management techniques when conducting biological research.

the final session of british yeast group 2021 included both a panel and community discussion focused on the future of research.

with delegates joining the panel to share their thoughts, it was a very engaging conversation and an event highlight for many.

then, it was time to announce the poster prize winners!

marcin fraczek (university of manchester, uk) was awarded the post-doctorate prize, sponsored by microbiology, for the poster titled, ‘synthetic genetic interactions of non-coding rna in saccharomyces cerevisiae.'

the following poster presenters won a graduate student prize, sponsored by formedium:

  • arin wongprommoon (university of edinburgh, uk) for the poster titled, ‘single-cell analysis shows that flavin-based yeast metabolic cycles are robust and respond to nutrient changes.'
  • anastasiya malyshava (imperial college london, uk) for the poster titled, ‘synthetic biology in pursuit of the minimal cell cycle.’
  • karla zúñiga (university of manchester, uk) for the poster titled, ‘regulation and consequences of snf1/ampk complex control across different stress conditions.’

huge congratulations to all the poster prize winners! posters are still available to view on the event platform for all delegates.

after a successful event, we look forward to welcoming everyone back to british yeast group 2022: from genomes to cells, which will take place at university college london, uk as an in-person conference.

thank you to all delegates, speakers, chairs, poster presenters and sponsors who joined the british yeast group 2021 focused meeting and contributed to making the event a success. visit the event page on our website for more information on future events taking place in 2022.