british yeast group 2022 – a view from twitter

posted on september 14, 2022   by kimberley ndungu

british yeast group 2022: from genomes to cells took place on 7–9 september 2022 and was held at the university college london, uk. in this blog, we take a look at the highlights on twitter. 

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scott curan

with a programme prepared filled with scientific talks, poster presentations and social events, we were excited to welcome delegates back to the british yeast group's in-person format and welcome others to their first-ever conference!

we were pleased to see delegates were just as excited to attend, especially as some were travelling internationally. 

we were also able to welcome a great range of exhibitors: formediumthe carl singer foundationconstant systemsinfors htmp biomedicals and luminex,


scientific session 

this year's british yeast group focused on the theme ‘from genomes to cells’, covering diverse topics from dna metabolism to organelle and cell function. the programme featured talks from invited speakers and provided plenty of opportunities for early career researchers to present their work too. 

with so much new research to look forward to, we had the opportunity to talk to some speakers ahead of the event to learn more about the work they shared at #byg22. 


over the three days at #byg22, the poster sessions showcased the diversity of research within the yeast community and allowed our delegates to share and discuss their work in person. the carl singer foundation sponsored the flash poster presentation session in which presenters were tasked with a secret objective during their talk. 

huge congratulations to the poster prize winners sofia esteban serna (university of edinburgh, uk), matthew shaw (university of kent, uk) and jason yu (the francis crick institute, uk)! find the titles of the winning posters in this news story


thank you

finally, thank you to all the delegates, speakers, poster presenters and exhibitors who attended #byg22, contributed to its success and joined the conversation on twitter!

we hope to welcome you again to another conference in our events series.