early career microbiologists' forum summer conference 2019 - a view from twitter

posted on june 28, 2019   by ellen hinkley

this year's early career microbiologists' (ecm) forum summer conference took place at the moyne institute, trinity college dublin on 20–21 june. we’ve turned to twitter to look at some of the highlights of the meeting.

on the morning of the first day, many delegates started their journeys, whilst others that had already arrived explored the city, its many sights and food highlights it had to offer…








the conference was introduced by elaine waters, and went on to include talks from daniel morse, danielle pierce, maya holding, jana katharina schniete (+1!) and daniel storey, before a coffee break.





session two was on microbial threats and opportunities, with talks from conor feehily, sarah lumley, maya kamat, david clearly, james hall and charley mccarthy.






the evening provided chance for networking and poster presentations, before pizza at the pavilion bar on the trinity college cricket pitch.




the second day started with a keynote talk from senga robertson-albertyn, winner of the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? outreach prize 2019. delegates were treated to a live demonstration of her outreach activity ‘microbe motels: how to make a healthy poo’, as well as information and advice about the value of outreach work.






next, there was a careers session, featuring talks from ian archer (industrial biotechnology innovation centre), kerrie nic aogain (serosep ltd), beth o' donoghue (european directorate for quality of medicines and healthcare), kevin egan (west cork distillers) and ben cochain (pint of science ireland).





on the final afternoon, there was a session on 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? journals and how to get your work published. the conference concluded by announcing the winner of the ecm forum summer conference poster prize.





we hope all delegates enjoyed the conference – thank you for joining us in dublin and we hope to see you at another event soon!