europic 2022 – a view from twitter

posted on june 21, 2022   by priya gurung

on 6–9 june 2022, the society hosted the focused meeting, european study group on the molecular biology of picornaviruses 'europic 2022'. we look back at twitter for some of the highlights of #europic2022

with a full scientific programme prepared to address recent advances in the field of picornaviruses, we were looking forward to hearing from a range of speakers and poster presenters from across the world, and being able to welcome our delegates in-person!

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image credit: istock/dr_microbe

we were happy to see the delegates were as excited as we were!


scientific sessions

our scientific sessions at #europic2022 included plenary talks from international experts, along with shorter offered papers and poster sessions. here are some talks highlighted below:

nicola stonehouse opened the scientific sessions by thanking the #europic2022 organising committee members.


#europic2022 poster sessions showcased the diversity of research within the picornaviruses community. our delegates were able to share their work, and discuss and exchange ideas with their peers face to face! 


social sessions

in the evening of day three, our delegates visited skipton castle. later on, our delegates enjoyed a lively conference dinner with performances from our microbiologists' band – the particles.  


poster-prize winners

finally, it was time to announce our poster-prize winners on the final day of #europic2022.

many congratulations to our winners: jelle schipper, rhian l. o'connor and giann dellosa!


thank you

thank you to everyone who attended #europic2022, contributed to its success and joined the conversation on twitter! we hope to welcome you again to another conference in our events series.