new 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? open research platform to launch in october 2021

14 april 2021


the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? will launch a new open research platform in october 2021. the platform will incorporate many of the elements of a preprint server with our current sound science journal, access microbiology, in an effort to improve the rigor, reproducibility and transparency of the academic record.

the platform will feature artificial intelligence (ai) review tools to help authors improve their work, and include posting all article versions, ai review reports, reviewer reports, editor comments and author responses, to ensure a fully transparent peer review process.

the development of the platform is funded by a grant awarded in 2020 by the wellcome trust and the howard hughes medical institute (hhmi) as part of their learned society curation awards. the awards support society publishers who “want to explore new ways of signalling the significance of published research outputs in an open and transparent manner”.

as part of the project, we want to find out what you think and need feedback from the microbiology community to help drive the project forward.

please complete our short survey via the link below:

take the survey

regular monthly blog updates about the open research platform will be available on the society’s blog, microbe post, at: and we will be running a short webinar at the society’s annual conference 2021 on thursday 29 april at 11:15am.

for any other questions about the project, please do get in touch with alex howat ([email protected]).

image: science photo library/wladimir bulgar.