registration open for candida and candidiasis 2021
15 december 2020

registration for the candida and candidiasis 2021 focused meeting is now open.
the meeting will take place online between sunday 21 march – saturday 27 march and has been curated to enable the safe and accessible participation of the global candida community.
heavily subsidised registration fees are available for society members. join now to enjoy these discounts and many other opportunities that are designed for microbiologists at all stages of their career.
visit the event page to secure your place.
the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? has worked with the scientific organising committee to select a digital event platform that will provide a wide spectrum of opportunities, enabling the event to achieve the scientific and networking objectives of an in-person event.
the week will consist of oral presentations, e-poster presentations and networking opportunities; providing an online forum to empower major ongoing efforts to understand, treat, and prevent candida infections.
an overview of the programme is available to view on the event page.
abstract submissions
all participants whose abstracts were accepted for presentation at the scheduled in-person meeting have the opportunity to deliver their presentation at the online event and are required to edit or confirm the submission of their previously submitted abstract by friday 18 december 2020.
the scientific organising committee are accepting new abstract submissions until 5 pm gmt on friday 8 january 2021. if you wish to submit an abstract for consideration, please visit the event page.
further information will be announced in the build up to the meeting on our social media channels and you can follow us on twitter @microbiosoc and following the hashtag #candida2021.