the society can help members attend the annual conference 2016
30 november 2015

the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? ’s 2016 annual conference will be held from the 21–24 march at the acc liverpool. abstract submission for the event closes on friday 11 december 2015. to enable our members to attend the annual conference, the society offers a selection of grants to those at all stages of their careers.
society conference grants
up to £500 is available for postgraduate student and postdoc full concessionary members who are presenting work. postgraduate members who are attending the conference for the first time are able to apply for funding whether or not they are presenting. full concessionary members who are technicians or retired may also apply for funding from this scheme. closing date for grant applications: 29 january 2016. find out more about society conference grants.
inclusion grants
these grants of up to £1,000 support postgraduate student, full concessionary or full members with caring responsibilities, or who are on maternity/paternity leave to attend the conference. this grant does not cover registration fees. closing date: 29 january 2016. find out more about inclusion grants.
undergraduate student conference grants
these grants support undergraduate student members presenting work at the annual conference. as registration is free for these members, this grant covers the cost of reasonable travel and accommodation. closing date: 29 january 2016. find out more about undergraduate student conference grants.
travel grants
these grants support full, full concessionary and postgraduate student members who are not eligible for society conference grants but wish to apply for support to present at the annual conference. closing date: 1 march 2016. please note a minimum 2022世界杯对阵分析 period of two consecutive 2022世界杯对阵分析 payments applies. find out more about travel grants.
online registration for the annual conference closes at midnight on monday 14 march 2016. after this date, registrations will only be accepted onsite. for full details of the event please visit the annual conference 2016 event page. for the full terms and conditions of our available grants, please visit our grants pages.
image: ian atherton..