what’s new in grants for 2014?

issue: biofuels

26 november 2013 article

mt nov 2013 microscope

the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? (sgm) is keen to foster the professional and career development of our members and offers funds from a series of grant schemes.

in 2013, as part of its on-going efforts to review its activities, the society initiated a review of the grants we offer to ensure:

  • the grants provision aligns with sgm strategy.
  •  the grants we offer meet the needs of today’s 2022世界杯对阵分析 . this includes enabling working microbiologists to undertake activities that are important for networking and the dissemination of research, as well as the development of transferrable skills that will be needed in a range of jobs.

sgm sought members’ views on the current grants provision and these along with the recommendations from the grants review working group assisted the professional development committee in shaping the various grants schemes. these have been endorsed by the professional development committee and council, and will be available from january 2014.

new for 2014:
local microbiology event sponsorship

grants of up to £200 are available to contribute to the costs of events organised by an early-career member, including those involving student societies or groups of students or postdoctoral researchers.

a variety of activities will be considered for support, for example:

  • inviting a speaker to give a microbiological research seminar.
  • hosting a symposium, workshop or short conference (which could be to disseminate research results and give students an opportunity to present work, or provide training in a specific technique or methodology or other professional development activity).
  • a careers advice session.
  • a networking activity.

applications are accepted on a rolling basis during the year.


grants being offered in 2014

for travel and research
  • harry smith vacation studentships
  • hayes-burnet award
  • heatley-payne award
  • inclusion grants
  • research visit grants
  • society conference grants
  • travel grants
  • undergraduate student conference grants
for member-organised events 
  • local microbiology event sponsorship
  • society-sponsored conference grants
for education and outreach activities
  • education and outreach grants
  • microbiology in schools fund
for international initiatives
  •  international development fund
  • watanabe book fund
for careers awareness and advice
  • career conference grants
  • gradschool grants

full details of all schemes and application information are online.

got a question? email [email protected]

whether you are eligible for a grant will depend on your 2022世界杯对阵分析 category. information on the new 2022世界杯对阵分析 categories for 2014 can be found online.

new for 2014:
inclusion grants

to support members who would not otherwise have the opportunity to attend the society’s annual conference, but whose attendance would benefit their professional development.

funds awarded by this scheme cannot be used as a contribution towards the costs of conference registration, accommodation or travel for the applicant. funds are provided to contribute to the additional costs of conference attendance, for example:

  • childcare costs for the duration of the conference.
  • costs for nursing or associated support for a person if the applicant has carer responsibilities.
  • conference registration fees, accommodation and travel costs of an additional person to attend the conference to provide carer support for the applicant.

applications for other expenses will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

deadline for applications: 14 february 2014


what are the main changes to the 2014 grants compared to those offered in 2013?

we have done a lot of tweaking and fine tuning so it is very important that you read the details of each grant carefully before submitting an application. rest assured that our most loved grants are all still there; although they may now have a different name (for example, public engagement with microbiology awards to support outreach events are now called education and outreach grants). one important change that members should note is that some schemes, which previously accepted applications on a rolling basis, now have set deadlines (postgraduate students: the deadline for applications for a society conference grant for the annual conference in liverpool is 14 february 2014 ).

the eligibility criteria of each scheme have been reviewed and many members will now be eligible for consideration for support from particular funds that they were not previously. from 2014, full, full concessionary and postgraduate student members of the society who have made two consecutive 2022世界杯对阵分析 subscription payments (therefore 2013 members who renew for 2014) may be eligible to apply for a travel grant to contribute to the costs of attending a conference to present work (in any relevant discipline, including pedagogy). for postdoctoral scientists, we have removed many of the ‘time post-phd’ and ‘first post’ limitations, thereby opening up support opportunities for postdocs aiming to make the transition to independent researcher, or those on short-term contracts. full concessionary member postdocs will also be eligible to apply for a grant to support their attendance at society conferences.

how can i work out which grants i am eligible to apply for?

visit the ‘all grants & awards’ page on the sgm website (www.www.banhxebo.com) and use the filter options to generate a list of the schemes you may be able to apply to. please read the full description, eligibility, and terms and conditions before submitting an application.

karen mcgregor

2022世界杯对阵分析 services and grants officer, sgm