focused meetings 2018

issue: microbes and food

07 august 2018 article


the conferences and events team have now delivered three successful focused meetings from this year’s programme. the microbes and mucosal surfaces meeting took place on 21–22 june in dublin, ireland. the second event, british yeast group: embracing variation, was on 27–29 june in leicester, uk, while the latter, emerging zoonoses and amr: a global threat, took place on 2 july in guildford, uk.

collectively, we welcomed over 260 attendees, 37 invited speakers, over 40 offered talks and 75 posters. thank you to all the session organisers and those who attended these events.

you can still register for the following focused meetings, which will be taking place all around the uk and ireland during september and october. places at these meetings are limited, so we advise you to secure your place as soon as possible and please share the dates with relevant networks and colleagues.

mt-aug-18-focused-meetings-mms-group-photo.jpg mt-aug-18-focused-meetings-byg-group-photo.jpg mt-aug-18-focused-meetings-ezamr-group-photo.jpg


molecular biology and pathogenesis of avian viruses #avian18

st catherine’s college, university of oxford, uk monday 3 to tuesday 4 september 

key topics:
  • molecular biology and genetics of avian virus replication
  • tropism and host range restriction
  • host antiviral responses and virus immunomodulation
  • emerging and variant viruses
  • new and improved approaches to the control of avian viruses
  • pathogenesis of avian viruses

early bird deadline: 5 august 2018

9th international symposium on testate amoebae (ista9): recent advances and future research priorities #ista9

riddel hall, belfast, uk monday 10 to friday 14 september

key topics:
  • ecology and bioindication
  • functional traits, morphometics and novel analytical approaches
  • palaeoecology and palaeoclimatology
  • phylogeny and biogeography
  • role of testate amoebae in microbial food webs and nutrient cycling
  • taxonomic advances

early bird deadline: 12 august 2018

microbiomes underpinning agriculture #muafm18

rochestown park hotel, cork, ireland monday 1 to tuesday 2 october

key topics:
  • animal microbiomes underpinning agriculture
  • plant microbiomes underpinning agriculture
  • methods for exploring microbiomes in agriculture
  • soil microbiomes underpinning agriculture

grants deadline: 10 september 2018*

early bird deadline: 21 september 2018         *subject to change. please check the website for details.

images: thumbnail and molecular biology and pathogenesis of avian viruses: monticello/thinkstock. 

image 1: delegates from the microbes and mucosal surfaces focused meeting.

image 2: delegates from the british yeast group: embracing variation focused meeting.

image 3: delegates from the emerging zoonoses and amr: a global threat focused meeting.

9th international symposium on testate amoebae (ista9): h. roe, f. lacoviello & s. prentice.

microbiomes underpinning agriculture: maxsattana/thinkstock.