annual conference

issue: microbiology in popular culture

07 november 2017 article


annual conference 2017 – edinburgh

850 delegates and guests
31 exhibitors and sponsors
212 hosted speakers

the programme covered 28 topics, including flash posters, professional development sessions, and plenty of networking opportunities and social activities. below are some comments taken from our delegate survey:

“the conference allowed me to network with a variety of scientists at different stages of their career and i learned about some innovative and exciting analytical techniques that i might be able to adapt for my research.”

“excellent networking opportunities, great speakers including a good number of offered orals. poster sessions, especially the flash posters, were great.”

“this is a very organised and considerate conference, with programmes ranging from basic microbiology to those more pro-applied disciplines, such as plant pathology, and the programmes associated with paper writing and career development, which i think suited the various needs of faculties, postdocs and students. in addition, speakers from different countries may open a window of new thinking and new approaches.”

“it was my first time attending the annual conference. my general view about this meeting is greater than i thought before my attendance. i could really expand my scientific knowledge about cutting edge topics in my direct and indirect fields. also, i met new colleagues who are interested in establishing new collaborations with us and develop new projects together. i am very grateful to the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? for awarding me with a society conference grant to attend this annual conference, making it possible for me to present my work and to improve my career.”

the society would like to thank everyone who took part in annual conference 2017, including all of the session organisers, sponsors, exhibitors and delegates who came and made it a great success.

get involved and help shape future annual conferences

every year our annual conference programme is developed and driven by the members of our divisions who represent the three key areas of microbiology – virology, eukaryotic and prokaryotic. each year we seek ideas from the wider 2022世界杯对阵分析 for topics we could cover at our flagship event. if you have any ideas for a topic for annual conference 2019 then please let us know by completing the suggestions form online. planning takes place in january of each year so make sure you send in your ideas by 15 december 2017 for consideration for 2019. the form and further information can be found online.

annual conference 2018

our 2018 annual conference takes place between 10 and 13 april at the icc in birmingham. due to venue availability we have had to move the conference to run from the tuesday to the friday so make sure you mark these dates correctly in your calendars! 


register online today. take advantage of the early bird rate and don’t forget to secure your place at the conference before making your travel arrangements as we have a maximum capacity for each day at our annual conference to avoid overcrowding.


secure your room through the accommodation booking service provider for the annual conference, reservation highway.

abstract submission

you can now submit your abstract online for consideration by our session organisers. the submission deadline is: monday 11 december 2017. when logging on to the abstracts system, oxford abstracts, you should select the most appropriate and relevant session for your research to feature. 

please identify your preference to present i.e. oral, poster or both. the session organisers have the final say about allocations and will accommodate as many offered talks as possible. we cannot guarantee that your preferred choice will be offered. 

please remember that by submitting an abstract to this conference, you are indicating to the session organisers your commitment to attend the event if selected. 

presenting your best material…

the abstract is the only information for session organisers to go on when deciding whether to accept your work for presentation as an offered oral or poster. if accepted, it will also be published in the abstract book for the conference – so think carefully about what needs to be included. read more about how best to submit your abstract and some hints and tips on how to present your work when accepted on our website.

annual conference social programme 2018 

we are happy to shortly be launching our social programme for our annual conference 2018 too.

places are limited and sold out quickly for our 2017 event so make sure you book your place to avoid disappointment when they go online. 

conference networking event
monday 9 april 2018

join us for this pre-conference workshop. this will be a chance to meet people, take part in interactive games and to brush up on your networking skills with senior members of the society ahead of the main event. ticket purchase required per person, includes dinner and refreshments.

annual quiz night
tuesday 10 april 2018

the society quiz returns for a second year! get your thinking caps on and join us for an evening of fun, laughter and intrigue! ticket purchase required per person, includes welcome drink and dinner. cash bar on site.

end of conference party
thursday 12 april 2018

celebrate the end of the conference in style with live entertainment and music to dance the night away. places are limited. ticket purchase required per person, includes welcome drink and dinner. cash bar on site.

visit our website for information about annual conference, including booking and submitting your abstract.

image: icc birmingham.