journals update

issue: microbial tools

15 may 2018 article


emerging zoonoses and amr: a global threat

2 july 2018

journal of medical microbiology’s section editor for one health, roberto la raggione at the university of surrey, is hosting this focused meeting. the event will take place at the school of veterinary medicine, university of surrey, uk.


key topics to be covered include: 

  • novel and emerging antimicrobial resistance in animals and humans
  • emerging technologies for detecting and tracking pathogens and amr
  • new and emerging viral, bacterial and parasitic infections of animals and humans
  • understanding global reservoirs of zoonotic diseases

abstracts, oral communications and posters are welcome at this meeting. for more information please see our guidelines on the event page

journal of medical microbiology will be sponsoring the ‘most promising science prize’ at the focused meeting. the prize will be awarded to a poster or oral communication that presents particularly compelling or novel research in the journal’s subject field, and will be presented by roberto la raggione. 

the winner will receive a cash prize, certificate and a year’s 2022世界杯对阵分析 to the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? . all submissions are automatically entered. 

journal of medical microbiology provides comprehensive coverage of medical, dental and veterinary microbiology and infectious diseases, including bacteriology, virology, mycology and parasitology. papers are published in the following areas: pathogenicity and virulence/host response; clinical microbiology; microbial epidemiology; microbial ecology and health; one health; and prevention and therapy.

for more information, visit

call for cross-disciplinary papers on antimicrobial resistance 

the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? and guest editors jodi lindsay, edward feil, mark holmes, helen lambert and gwen knight invite submissions to a special cross-disciplinary pop-up journal on antimicrobial resistance (amr) x-amr. this coincides with the society’s upcoming focused meeting on emerging zoonoses and amr. we recognise that amr is a cross-disciplinary subject and seek contributions from researchers across all disciplines, including life scientists, chemists, material scientists, social scientists, clinicians, veterinarians and engineers, among others. 

topics include:

  • resistance to antimicrobials, antifungals or antivirals 
  • diagnostics and therapeutics (novel, combination and alternative)
  • epidemiology and infection control
  • mathematical modelling
  • stewardship and surveillance
  • pharmacokinetic behaviour and pharmacodynamics
  • environment and ecology of resistance
  • societal, cultural or economic determinants 
  • veterinary, one health and agricultural dimensions
  • policy and regulatory perspectives
  • genomic and microbiological studies

this list is indicative and not restrictive. we welcome reviews, mini-reviews, original research, methods articles and commentaries that are cross-disciplinary. 

papers submitted to x-amr will be peer reviewed and published in the society’s portfolio of journals. all articles for x-amr will then also be published in a microsite that will host the entire collection on amr. 

authors are encouraged to submit articles to any of the four society journals: microbiology, journal of general virology, microbial genomics, or journal of medical microbiology. guidelines for authors on how to submit and peer review process are available on when submitting to a society journal, please mention ‘submission to x-amr'.

for any queries, contact [email protected].

the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? is one of the few societies who self-publish, and all surpluses from the journals goes back to the society to support its charitable activities.

journal links

journal of general virology
journal of medical microbiology
journal of medical microbiology case reports
microbial genomics
international journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology

image: dennis kunkel microscopy/science photo library