prizes review

issue: real superheroes

25 february 2014 article

mt feb 2014 prize lecture

the prize review working group was set up in september 2013 to evaluate the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? ’s prizes to ensure they were aligned with the society’s strategic plan.

the main objective was to improve clarity – especially in terms of the criteria applied; and also to reduce duplication, increase prestige and broaden the scope of prize winners to reflect the society’s equality and diversity policy statement. at its december meeting, council accepted all the recommendations of the working group and details of the revised list of prizes and associated criteria are outlined below.

an overview of the prizes and criteria
prize lecture criteria
sgm prize medal awarded to an outstanding microbiologist who is a global leader in their field and whose work has had a far-reaching impact beyond the discipline of microbiology. nomination will be opened up to members.
fleming prize awarded to an early career researcher who has achieved an outstanding research record within 12 years of being awarded their phd. 
peter wildy prize awarded for outstanding contribution to microbiology education and/or communication in order to stimulate interest and understanding.
unilever colworth prize awarded for outstanding contribution to translational microbiology.
marjory stephenson prize awarded to an individual who has made exceptional contributions to the discipline of microbiology.
microbiology outreach prize awarded for excellence in public engagement activities.

all prizes will now be awarded annually and the nomination process has been streamlined. nominations require two proposers from members of the society. evelyn doyle, who headed the prize review working group, said she hoped that the changes would result in increased nominations for all prizes from the 2022世界杯对阵分析 .

nominations for the 2014

prizes are now open. nominations for these awards are invited from the 2022世界杯对阵分析 via submission of the prize nomination form. an appointed prize award panel chaired by the general secretary of the society, evelyn doyle, will be responsible for presenting a shortlist for the prize medal and a recommendation for all other prize lecture winners for endorsement by council when they meet in september. nominations will close on 15 august 2014.

dariel burdass

head of communications
[email protected]

image: i. atherton.