
issue: soil

07 may 2015 article

mt may 2015 conferences

focused meetings 2015

international meeting on arboviruses and their vectors (imav)

7–8 september university of glasgow, uk

imav 2015 is aimed at those working on arboviruses or those with an interest in this group of viruses and their biology, from academics to students to companies to policy makers. the topics will cover virus replication, host responses to infection, vector biology, virus evolution and more clinical aspects. we have invited speakers who are recognised international experts in their areas of research. this is indeed one of the few occasions for the field to come together and focus on these increasingly important viruses.

topics will include:

•   arbovirus–vector interactions and immune responses

•   preventing arbovirus transmission: novel strategies

•   arbovirus–vertebrate host interactions

•   verterbrate immune responses to arbovirus infection

•     arbovirus replication and evolution

abstract submission deadline is friday 10 july 2015.

international meeting on the invasive fungus

7–9 september mercure hotel, manchester, uk

this focused meeting, jointly hosted by the 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? and the british mycological society, will consider the fungal hypha as a fundamental unit of fungal growth that underpins invasion.

recent work in fungal biology has highlighted the huge importance of invasive development in fungal lifestyles. much of the current high-profile fungal research deals with the concept of invasion; from the mechanistic basis of fungal cell invasion, to the invasion of plant and animal tissues, through to invasion of non-living matter and finally to the invasion of new geographical or biological niches. the universally understood concept of invasion also provides a public-friendly entry into the complex issues of disease, geographical spread and ecology covered in this meeting. topics will include the invasive fungus in relation to defence, penetration, the environment and invasion.

please contact [email protected] to register your interest in attending this meeting.

annual conference 2016

21–24 march 2016 arena and convention centre, liverpool, uk

following the success of the annual conference 2015, the society is happy to announce that the next annual conference will take place from monday 21 march to thursday 24 march 2016 at the arena and convention centre, liverpool. the conference will feature four packed days of microbiological science aimed at scientists of all levels.

mt may 15 conferences galway

irish division meeting 2015: microbial interfaces

17–19 june university of galway, ireland

the national university of ireland, galway will celebrate 50 years of microbiology in june 2015, and to mark the occasion, it will be hosting the society for microbiology irish division meeting.

this annual conference focuses on the diverse range of microbial interfaces in the microscopic world and will be a stimulating event for all those who attend.

topics will include:

•   the host–microbe interface

•   health from the environment

•   microbiology for engineering and the bioeconomy

•   the pathogen–device interface

•   ecosystems microbiology

find out more about the event online.

do you have an idea for a focused meeting, or need funding for your own microbiology meeting?

focused meetings are stand-alone events that take place outside of the society’s annual conference and concentrate on one specific area of microbiology.

organisers retain control of the scientific content with the support of the society’s scientific conferences committee. the proposal forms and full details on how to apply are available online.

society-supported conference grants

members can also apply for a society-supported conference grant to fund reasonable speaker expenses associated with a microbiological conference they are organising. support is in the form of a grant of up to £2,000 but does not include secretariat support. application forms are available online.

submit your proposals/applications

if you are thinking of submitting proposals/applications for any of the above you are actively encouraged to discuss your proposal prior to submission with the relevant division. view the divisions page on the website for contact details. alternatively, contact the conferences team at [email protected].

conferences information – visit the website.

image: false-coloured scanning electron micrograph of the surface of a fruiting body of the ash dieback fungus chalara fraxinea (hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus). crown copyright fera/science photo library. quadrangle in galway. elzbieta sekowska/istock/thinkstock..