mt february 2006 cover web

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01 february 2006 publication

the lead articles of the february 2006 issue of microbiology today are on the future of vaccines; an oral vaccine for typhoid fever; influenza vaccines; challenging times for malaria vaccines; advancing dna vaccine technology.

the future of vaccines (p. 08)

the technology exists to make vaccines against most pathogens, but maria lattanzi, rino rappuoli and tiziana tonini discuss how other factors are restricting new developments.

a single-dose, live oral typhoid vaccine: an achievable goal? (p. 12)

a one-shot oral vaccine would greatly reduce the incidence of typhoid fever. gordon dougan hopes this will soon be possible.

influenza vaccines (p. 16)

bird 'flu and human influenza are hot news. wendy barclay considers what is happening in the development of vaccines to combat these threats to health?

challenging times for malaria vaccines (p. 20)

malaria is a major killer. thanks to volunteers participating in trials, sarah gilbert explains how new vaccines may soon be available to help prevent this disease.

advancing dna vaccine technology (p. 24)

lauren hirao and david weiner discuss how dna vaccines are safer and more effective than traditional vaccination strategies.

sgm journals: new technical developments (p. 28)

ron fraser and robin dunford take a look at some forthcoming developments in sgm journal production.

schoolzone (p. 32)

immunisation programmes and the development of new vaccines play an important role in giving protection against many illnesses. dariel burdass explains the basic facts about the immune system and vaccination.

gradline (p. 36)

what is beyond the postdoc? jane westwell explains how to plan for a career in university research and teaching.

comment - you only get what you pay for (p. 48)

stephen inglis reveals how an exciting new generation of vaccines is in the pipeline, but only if their true value and cost is recognised.